Chapter 26

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"You don't think they'll see us, do you?" Bearded Dragon suddenly piped up. Both Nitro and Tattoo swiftly covered the lizard's mouth without warning. "Dude, you continue talking that loud, they will see us!" Tattoo whispered. Understanding the situation, his friend nodded his head. A second later, the pig and cat uncovered his mouth.

Tattoo had been minding his own business down in the Underbelly when Snowball gave him a call to follow Leonard and Ozone without being caught. The pig then rounded up his friend Bearded Dragon and Ozone's pal Nitro before hitting the streets. It didn't take the three animals very long to find the pair. The poodle and the hairless cat were walking casually down the sidewalk without a care in the world. Leonard was carrying a bag.

"Come on, we're losing them!" Nitro hissed quietly, his tail swishing side to side. Briskly nodding his head, Tattoo led the way, Bearded Dragon and the cat close on his heels. Their small group was about nine to eleven feet behind Leonard and Ozone. Being in the lead, Tattoo watched the two round a corner. A few seconds later, he and his companions went around the same corner.

Leonard and Ozone had vanished.

"Snowball is not going to be happy with us Tattoo..." Bearded Dragon murmured.

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