Chapter 35

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"Wait, so Duke goes all the way to Brooklyn everyday?!" Buddy exclaimed. The gang had regrouped not too long ago to discuss anything they had learned and to visit Chloe as a group. Along the way, the group learned that Mel kept going to somewhere on Broadway while Tiberius was refusing to leave Central Park despite being injured. Though they didn't keep following the giant mutt, Max and Snowball inferred that Duke was going somewhere in Brooklyn. Max assumed it had something to do with his old owner Fred.

"At least we know where they are," Leonard pointed. Sweetpea rolled his little green eyes at the poodle. Sighing as he glared at his small friend, Buddy murmured, "We should come up with a plan."

"I agree with you a hundred percent man, however..." Snowball piped up, "We need to pay a friend a visit."

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