Chapter 13

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Max woke up the next morning to find almost everyone in his apartment staring down at him. Pets in the apartment building across the street would have heard a somewhat womanly scream. Uncovering his ears, Snowball stated, "Dude, you want to try that again except, I don't know... a little more man like?" Scowling at the white rabbit, Max grumbled, "I used to be able to oversleep in the morning until you came along."

"I know," Snowball replied, taking the statement as a compliment. Max opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out as Gidget came forth and nuzzled him lovingly. The terrier smiled as he sighed softly.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Chloe's voice brought everyone's attention to the window to discover that Duke was trying to sneak out.

"Uh... I thought we were done here," Duke answered, sounding a little unsure about his words. Foot thumping on the ground, Snowball raised an eyebrow as he questioned, "We haven't held our meeting yet Fat Dog, so get your butt back in here now." Groans spread like a wildfire in the apartment.

"Guys, this is actually important! I was going to ask all of you if anyone has seen Leonard and Ozone!" Snowball exclaimed. Intrigued, Max then realized that the only time he could oversleep was if he was either sick or Leonard wasn't playing his music at full volume. Everyone else seemed to realize that too. Sweetpea began chirping something.

"What'd he say?" Duke asked.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention this. Has anyone seen Mel today? He didn't come to visit me or Sweetpea this morning," Buddy spoke, concern mixed in his voice. The dachshund seemed worried. Duke patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.

All of the sudden, an air vent burst open.

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