Chapter 56

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"I have Rhonda's soup," Pops declared. Shushing him, Gidget pointed into the bedroom as she whispered, "Look." Confused, Pops stuck his head into the bedroom.

A ball of yarn rolled across the floor. Then two kittens, Azul and Blanca, raced after it. Nearby, their sister Coral was playing tug of war with Norman. The guinea pig purposely made sure he was losing. Then the little brother Diego was cuddled up beside Chloe and Tiberius. All six had made a swift recovery.

"Can't believe two weeks ago they were tiny little things," Chloe remarked. A purr rumbling in his throat, Tiberius replied, "Yeah, you should have seen them when they were hours old. They were no bigger than one of my talons." Gazing down at Diego, Chloe leaned down and gave the orange kitten a lick on the head.

"Hey guys," Gidget stated. She and Pops entered the bedroom more, the latter carrying a bowl of soup. Setting it down in front of Chloe, the old basset hound murmured, "Here you go Rhonda." He shot a glare at Tiberius, who just looked at him in confusion.

At that moment, the three girl kittens raced over to be with their little brother. Climbing up onto the pillow, they nestled themselves between Chloe and Tiberius. Norman joined them. Within seconds, the youngsters were fast asleep. Watching, Gidget turned to Tiberius and mumbled, "I'm so sorry I called you a wild animal."

"It's fine Gidget, it's in the past. Honestly, if you hadn't said that to me, I would never have found these little rascals," Tiberius pointed out as he nuzzled Coral. Biting his lip, Pops commented, "Eagle Eye, you do know you don't have to adopt every young animal in need, right?"

"But Tiberius and Chloe are like the best parents ever," Norman piped up sleepily. The cat and hawk silently exchanged worried glances.

"Well, I hate to tell you guys this but Ozone does plan on taking the kittens back, seeing how they belonged to a cat named Juniper," Gidget informed the group. Both Tiberius and Chloe hung their heads in sadness. The Pomeranian then told them, "But he said you can visit them."

"Thank you. Now, can one of you two tell someone to turn down the music? We're trying to sleep here," Chloe requested. Nodding her head, Gidget and Pops prepared to leave while the tabby yawned sleepily. Tiberius curled up around her. Leaving the room, Pops gave them the 'I'm watching you' sign. Gidget had to pull him away.

"What's his problem?" Tiberius muttered. Chloe yawned and answered, "Don't know, don't care."

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