Chapter 14

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"Hey Norman!" everyone called up to the young guinea pig who had just poked his head out the air vent. Normally cheerful, Norman's face expressed sadness today as he mumbled a reply. Tilting his head to the side, Buddy asked softly, "What happened?"

"Don't tell me you had another argument with Eagle Eye," Pops murmured. Norman remained silent at that, wringing his little paws nervously as he glanced sideways, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. Flying up and landing beside the guinea pig, Sweetpea whistled quietly. Sighing, the youngest pet mumbled, "We didn't get in a fight. It's just... I don't know where he is."

"You mean Tiberius is missing?" Max concluded. Nodding his head silently, Norman explained, "I went to visit him this morning but he wasn't there. I'm really worried about him."

"I'm pretty sure he can take care of himself. It's Eagle Eye for crying out loud!" Pops responded.

"I think it has something to do with yesterday," Norman continued. Sighing, Gidget spoke softly, "He probably went to do some early morning hunting. Nothing to worry about. Besides, he tried to eat a hamster yesterday."

"No he didn't," Norman squeaked, "If anything, there were these three hamsters taunting him. I tried to make them leave him alone but they didn't and when Tiberius finally stepped out to move-"

"They began screaming bloody murder and caused a stampede, didn't they?" Buddy concluded. Norman nodded his head. Chirping softly, Sweetpea patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.

"Right, who was the last person to talk to him?" Snowball asked. Silence fell over the room as everyone glanced at each other. Quietly, Gidget raised her paw in the air. All eyes were on her as the fluffy white Pomeranian explained, "It was nothing really. I just told Tiberius that he should try harder not eating anybody and then he went hunting."

"Did you say anything else?" Chloe questioned Gidget. Glaring at the tabby cat, the Pomeranian answered, "He tried to tell me that it wasn't his fault and then I told him..." Her voice faded away as she recalled her words the day before. She hung her head in shame as she whimpered, "What kind of friend am I?"

"Oh god, you used those words, didn't you?" Chloe meowed quietly, a slight rasp in her voice. Gidget nodded her head sadly, staring at her paws. Max nuzzled her gently in an attempt to comfort her.

Looking around, Buddy suddenly piped up, "Hey, where's Duke?"

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