Chapter 5

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"Like I'm ever gonna get with that stupid old dog," Chloe muttered under her breath. Apparently, the gray tabby cat wasn't quiet enough as Leonard and Ozone overheard what she had just said. "You know Chloe, he does love you," Leonard pointed out. Ozone nodded his head in agreement. Glaring at the pair, Chloe hissed, "How about you guys go back to partying and mind your own business?" Without another word, she padded over to the snacks.

Jumping up onto the one corner of the table, Chloe instantly found the cupcakes. Licking her lips hungrily, she grabbed one and shoved it into her mouth. As she chewed, she watched the party animals in the apartment do their own thing. She noticed that Mel seemed to be staring off into space, which seemed normal for the pug. However, this time seemed different. Chloe just shrugged her shoulders as she grabbed another cupcake.

Before she could put the sugary treat into her mouth though, Chloe began coughing a little. The tabby covered up with her empty paw. Devouring some cookies nearby, Duke heard and looked over at the cat with concern. "Everything alright Chloe?" he asked, coming over as he continued, "What is it, a hairball?" Shaking her head, Chloe replied, "It's nothing, I think something went down the wrong tube." Duke nodded in understanding.

All of the sudden, it sounded like there was a commotion on the other side of the apartment...

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