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I leaned against the island counter, my fingers tapping as I stared at the note.

"I'm telling you it would have been awesome!" A voice drifted into the room.

"Wally, perhaps you should not have eaten all that sugar."

Wait...I...I know that voice.

A group of kids walked in, one of whom I recognized.

"Uh...are you guys seeing the hot chick or is Kaldur right?" A ginger rubbed his eyes.

"No, I see her too." The tall, raven haired boy spoke, staring at me intently. The short, raven haired boy stared at me like he was trying to figure out how to take me down.

"So, we aren't-"

"Percy?" Kaldur cut off the blonde.

I forced a smile, took the note and walked over to him, forcing the paper into his hand.

His eyes scanned it, causing him to sigh. "Guess we're stuck with you. Team, I would like to introduce you to-"

"I am Percy. I'm a...friend of Kaldur's from Atlantis." I interrupted, earning a questioning glance from him.

"I'm Wally babe, but you can call me whatever you want." The ginger smiled at me, his eyes scanning my body.

I could see Kaldur press his lips into a thin line and I smiled.

"So I suppose I will call you annoying?"

"Ignore him. I'm Artemis." The blonde offered her hand for me to shake.

I took it and glanced at the other three kids.

"I'm Robin." The younger boy said.


"M'gann. But you can call me Megan. It's my Earth name."

I nodded and tugged at my gloves. "According to my king I am to stay here with you and assist you in anyway I can."

"How about we get your room set up while Megan prepares dinner?" Kaldur walked over to my bag sitting on the floor, hoisting it over his shoulder.

I nodded. "If it's not too much to ask, can you avoid using fish or seafood?" I asked.

Megan smiled at me. "I won't. After dinner I could give you the grand tour!"

"This way." Kaldur said, walking away. I followed after him, practically jogging to keep up with his longer strides.

He stopped outside a door. "My room is next door." He said before opening it.

When I walked inside, I was greeted with a crisply made bed and a dresser. Kaldur sighed and dropped my bag on the bed.

"Do not bother me unless it's an emergency. I already have enough on my plate, I do not need to deal with you on top of it." He said before walking out, closing the door behind him.

"Nice to see you too." I grumbled and opened my bag before putting away my clothes away.

As soon as I finished, I slipped out of the outfit I had worn here, exchanging it for a turtleneck and leggings. I laid my gloves on the dresser and slipped on my sandals.

I walked out of the bedroom, back towards the kitchen...where Megan was dishing out food to Connor and Kaldur.

"Where are the others?" I questioned, taking a seat next to Kaldur.

He ignored me, attention solely focused on his food.

"They went home, we're the only ones who live here." Connor answered before sliding a bowl filled with macaroni towards me.

"Why are you here?" Kaldur spoke, not even glancing at me.

"Because our king wants me here I suppose." I took a bite of food before humming in appreciation. "This is good."

"Since when have you cared what he wants?"

My shoulders dropped as he said that but I quickly fixed my posture so they would not notice.

He's not usually like this.

I yelped and pressed my hands to my temples. What the Hades was that?

"Megan, she doesn'tknow about your telepathy." Connor said.

"Hello Megan! I'm so sorry Percy. I forgot you didn't know."

I waved my hand to show her I did not care before I wolfed down the rest of my food.

Then I got up and washed my bowl. "I'm...I am going to go to sleep. Today was very stressful. Goodnight."

Walking to my room I crashed on my bed, eyes fixing on the unfamiliar ceiling.

I laughed softly. I never thought I'd end up here.

My laughter slowly changed, turning into crying. Tears fell down my face as I covered my mouth to muffle my sobs.

I...I don't want to do this. I don't want to be here.

I'd rather be home...

I sobbed louder. Pulling my legs close my chest, I hugged them.

Orin wants me to do this...he wants Kaldur to have me here...no matter how much Kaldur doesn't seem to want me here.

The way his eyes hardened when he first saw me here...it didn't leave any doubt in my mind that he'd rather have me as far away as possible.

He doesn't want me here. Why would he? He said he doesn't want to deal with me.

He doesn't need me here. It makes sense. He's obviously the leader, so why add another member to worry about?

Despite me trying to rationalize everything, one thought kept running through my mind. Over and over again.

One singular thought that I did not believe could hurt as much as it actually does.

He does not want me here.

He does not want me here at all.

Hidey ho neighbor

This is literal crap, I won't remember this in the morning


I seriously have no excuses why I'm making yet another book but...

Vote on priority ones here (use name if you aren't commenting on the line please)


Frozen Sea


Different Demitale


Guardian of the Hunt

Aquagirl (this book)

Any other book I forgot to list

Thanks guys


Im off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard if grades

He gives me plenty of projects due the next two weeks

What the heck is wrong with the wonderful wizard of grades?

See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now