Chapter Nineteen.

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 Belle sat at the kitchen table with Jade who was bouncing Olivia on one knee while Seth happily played in the living room.

"So...he's still in love with you," Jade said.

"I...he didn't say that exactly but I guess."

"Are you still in love with him?" Jade asked.

"I don't know..."Belle admitted.

"What about Landon?"

"I don't know," Belle said with a groan, laying her head down on the table.

Olivia began to fuss and Jade stood taking her to the cabinets and digging until she found some cereal puffs. She sat back down serving the baby the puffs.

"I like Alex, but I love you. I want you to be okay, these kids need you to be okay. I know it's a lot on your plate right now and Alex...he just adds to it all, don't let him be what breaks you." Jade said gently.

"I won't," Belle promised.

"You have more to lose this time, more at stake." Jade pointed out.

"I know."

"What do you know baby?" Landon's voice rang out from the entryway and Belle glanced at Jade.

"Nothing, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Can't a man just stop and see his beautiful fiance'?" He asked, rounding the corner he set a dozen roses in front of her leaning down for a chaste kiss.

"Of course, I just thought you were at work," Belle said smiling up at him.

"Well I passed by a toy shop and I just knew Seth had to have this." He said holding up a large plastic bag with a box inside.

He turned and disappeared into the living room and Belle sighed, Landon was trying to build a relationship with both the children but he wasn't a natural like Alex was.

A few seconds later squeals of delight were heard in the living room and Seth rushed into the kitchen.

"Aunt Belle! You should see the fire truck uncle Landon got me! It has lights and sirens and everything!" He cried.

"That's great," Belle said.

Seth rushed back into the living room and Jade gave Belle a pointed look.

"What?" Belle asked.

"He's really trying."

"I know."

"Does he know that these are the only two kids he's going to get if this marriage goes through?" Jade asked.


"I know this isn't ideal, I know you miss Maggie and how much you loved her but she's not coming back, Belle. You have to start making decisions that will affect you and these kids because this is your life now, this isn't just another night babysitting and Maggie won't walk in and take the choices away."

Belle knew Jade was right, she was going through the motions of caring for these children but she wasn't stepping up to the plate as a parent. Maggie wasn't going to be back to take that role and she had assigned it to Belle.

Over the noise of Seth playing with his fire truck, Belle almost missed the quiet knock on the back door.

Alex stepped into the kitchen and Jade excused herself to the living room, insisting she see the new fire truck.

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