Chapter thirteen

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Three days passed and Belle didn't see or hear from Alex, a small part of her was glad and hoped he wouldn't return to upset her already shaken life anymore. A larger, selfish part of her wished that he would come back.

Seth didn't open up to her like he did Alex and when Alex was there Belle didn't feel on edge about being alone with the kids.

Landon tried but he couldn't click with either child, Olivia wailed like a banshee if he held her and Seth regarded him with only silence.

She was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking her cold coffee and trying to feed Olivia who was putting up a fight.

"I must be out of my mind Livvy," She said softly.

The baby didn't reply, she did, however, manage to turn her head a second before the spoon Belle was wielding could reach her mouth.

"He stood by and watched my life fall apart," Belle said out loud.

Olivia wrinkled her little face and squirmed in her seat obviously she wanted down.

"I know he did it to try and save me but...surely he realized, I didn't want his money. I never did."

She scooped more food onto the spoon offering it to the baby who once again turned her head in protest. With a heavy sigh, Belle reached for the baby wipes and cleaned her up before carrying her into the living room and placing her in her playpen.

"Seth, please come to eat your lunch!" Belle called.

She had fed Seth breakfast and then he had hurried to his room when she checked on him before lunch he was happily playing with his legos and in no mood to stop.

When he didn't come she moved up the stairs to his room, giving a soft knock on the door with a large S on the outside.

"Seth? Buddy? it's time to eat."

No answer came so she opened the door and stepped into the empty bedroom, no sign of Seth in the small room. His legos were spilled onto the floor but that was the only sign he'd been there.


She moved into the hallway, growing increasingly more upset as she searched each room in the house and came up empty-handed.


She searched the house one more time and backyard and had reached a fever pitch of a panic when she grabbed her phone and dialed 911 while watching Olivia.

It was ringing when she hung up, taking a deep breath she moved to the phone base and flipped through the book that Maggie had full of phone numbers.

She found the one for Alex's parents and dialed it holding her breath and praying she was right about where Seth was headed.


"Hi, Uhm, is Alex there?" Belle asked.

"Who is this?" She recognized the deep voice as his fathers.


"You can't leave well enough alone can you girly? Isn't it enough you ruined his life once you have to do it again?"

"Please...I have to talk to him."

"He's on a date, with a girl of his own social standings," His dad said sharply.

"Please...can you give me his cell? It's an emergency."

She knew she sounded desperate but she was if Alex didn't know where Seth was nobody would and the police wouldn't know where to even start.

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