Chapter Fifteen.

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Belle hurried through her shopping as fast as she could but by the time she was home, it was time for lunch. After peanut butter and banana sandwiches, it was nap time.

Alex took Seth to the park to play catch after the kids woke up from their nap and Belle got absorbed in cleaning the house and caring for Olivia, being a single parent was a full-time job.

Laundry was never done, dishes were always dirty, toys to be put away, dusting and mopping not to mention the constant over filling garbage and bath times were a three-ring circus.

She made spaghetti for dinner making sure to include enough for Alex and was just finishing up when he and Seth returned, Seth excitedly running through the house.

"Wash your hands please," Belle asked.

Seth thundered up the stairs to the bathroom and Alex moved to the kitchen sink to her left, clearly planning on washing his own hands. He rolled up his sleeves and she watched him, he fit in so well in this environment.

A house, children, washing his hands before dinner it all suited him so well and Belle wished this could have been her life with him. Wished he would have allowed her to wait for him.

He was washing up when she pulled the garlic bread from the oven. She carried it to the table and when she returned to the kitchen found him getting sippy cups for the kids.

Forgetting for a minute who she was with Belle moved to the fridge.

"Can I get you a drink?" She offered.

He turned to look at her with a small smirk, shaking his head.

"I'm a recovering alcoholic, Belle."

She realized then the two bottles of wine in the fridge, sitting perfectly in view. She flushed.

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that. Honest."

"I'm afraid the closest I can get to wine is grape juice."

He looked at the floor, he almost looked embarrassed and ashamed to admit he was in recovery even though she already knew.

"Go ahead though, you enjoy some." He said motioning to the fridge.

Belle reached into the fridge grasping the bottles she carried them to the counter, reaching into a drawer she pulled out a corkscrew and opened the first bottle then walked to where he stood and slowly dumped the contents down the drain, then did the same thing with the second bottle.

"You didn't have to do that," He said in a low voice.

It was then she realized how close they were when she moved to the sink she had come close to him. He was only a few inches away, towering over her, his body just as familiar now as it was all those years ago.

She looked up into his blue eyes and bit her lower lip.

"Yes, I did."

He stared at her for a while, taking in every feature. It made her blush like a school girl and she wanted to look away but she didn't. She stared back taking in every little change with him.

His hair was shorter than when she first saw him out of prison but still a little too long to be neat, his blue eyes looked tired, he looked older, wiser and hardened but in those deep blue depths she could still see a spark of the man she had fallen in love with all those years ago.

He moved first, swaying slightly towards her and lifting his right hand, his fingertips brushing softly against her cheek.


"I'm done!" Seth announced hopping into the kitchen like a kangaroo on caffeine.

"Great, let's eat," Belle said with a smile quickly pulling away from Alex.

She turned and ushered Seth into the dining room where Olivia was already waiting in her high chair happily chewing her own fingers.

After dinner, Alex tucked Seth into bed and Belle started the dishes, when Alex came into the kitchen she could feel the air in the small space begin to hum with electricity.

"Why don't I install the lock you got before I go?" He offered.

She gave a small nod and moved to hand him the lock, he took it and disappeared to the front door, she could hear him start working on the lock.

Deep down she knew that Landon would have been more than happy to install the lock but there was tension between them lately and the children were constant reminders of her life before him.

They were reminders of her past, of Alex and her connection to him and his family even after he was locked away. They also reminded her of the secrets that were kept.

Walking into the entryway she took a deep breath.

"Alex...there's something I need to tell you."

He paused for a second then went back to working on the lock with a small nod.

"About what?"

"Us...about...what happened and..."

"I really...don't think she should." He said.

"I...I need too," She said, stumbling over the words.

He turned giving her his full attention.


The door swung open before she could continue nearly hitting Alex in the process, Landon turned to hang up his coat not noticing the other man at first.

"I know the kids are in bed I thought maybe we could watch a movie," Landon said moving to take Belle in his arms.

She let him pull her close but turned her head a second before his lips could claim hers, gently pushing him away.

"Landon, I don't think you've met Alex yet." She motioned behind him.

Landon turned and instantly straightened his arm still locking around her pulling her to his side.

"Hi, I'm Alex. Maggie's brother." Alex offered his hand.

"I'm Landon, Belle's fiance'." He reached out to shake Alex's hand.

Alex seemed a little surprised and Belle didn't blame him, she had been careful not to mention Landon.

"I just came to see the kids," Alex offered.

"Yes, well...I'm sure they enjoy that."

"I should be going and give you two some privacy," Alex said.

"That would be nice," Landon said.

Alex glanced at Belle who didn't say anything but deep down she didn't want him to go. He gave her a small smile before exiting out the front door. Landon following and sliding the new gold chain in place.

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