47. The end of a war.

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"S̸A̶Y̴ ̴I̴T̵!̶ S̶A̶Y̷ ̸I̸T̸!̶ ̵I̵ ̸w̷a̸n̴t̴ ̴t̶o̴ ̴h̶e̸a̸r̴ ̷i̵t̸ ̴o̷n̸e̴ ̵l̷a̵s̶t̵ ̴t̸i̶m̴e̴.̵"

"You're a monst..." Virgil punched him hard and Deceit head smacked against the ground again knocking him out right then and there. 

"Virgil..." I reached out and frowned. He didn't hear me. He just kept punching Deceit. 

"I̶.̷.̴.̷" Punch. "..̸.̶a̷m̴.̴.̵." Another punch. ".̷.̶.̵n̵o̵t̵.̷.̶.̴" and another.".̷.̶.̴a̵ ̸f̶u̶c̴k̸i̶n̵g̸.̵.̶.̸" and another. ".̶.̸.̸ ̶M̸O̷N̴S̸T̵E̸R̷!̵" If he kept this up he would end up killing him. I reached out and wrapped my arms around him. He dropped Deceit and I quickly pulled him away. He screamed and fought as if my very touch was burning him. It broke my heart. "L̷E̵T̵ ̸M̵E̴ ̴G̶O̵!̸ ̷I̵ ̶H̸A̸V̶E̷ ̸T̸O̶ ̷F̸I̴N̸I̵S̵H̷ ̵T̶H̸I̸S̷!̴"

"He's already out, Virgil. He's unconscious. You've won!" I cried out in pain as he bit down on my arm. I let go holding my arm to my chest and next thing I know I'm coughing and choking just trying to catch my breath. He had elbowed me right in the gut. I glanced up through teary eyes and frowned. He was holding the pipe again and he did not look happy. "Virgil, you're..."

"S̶H̴U̸T̷.̷.̴.̵ ̸I̸T̵!̷" The pipe burst into flames and my body acted on its own. Seeing the anger in his eyes I was honestly scared. Who wouldn't be? I was scared of getting hurt. I was scared of getting hurt by Virgil. I was scared of getting hurt by Virgil and of Virgil losing it forever because the guilt broke him. He held the pipe up and I threw my arms up before he could hurt me. The thing is... It never came down.  "D̵A̸M̷N̴ ̵I̴T̶!̴" I slowly dropped my arms to see Virgil struggling to actually hit me. But every time he tried he would freeze at the last moment. I couldn't help but smile. Even in that state... even not knowing it really is me... He can't hurt me. He loves me to damn much.

"S̴h̴u̸t̶ ̷u̶p̷.̶" I narrowed my eyes and he tried it again. Same response. His body froze at the last minute. It just wouldn't let him hurt me. "S̴h̴u̸t̶ ̷u̶p̷.̶" I started to get worried now. He was just yelling at nothing. No one was talking.

"S̴H̶U̸T̸ ̴U̷P̸!̸ ̵S̷H̷U̴T̷ ̸U̴P̷!̷ ̵S̵H̴U̷T̴ ̵U̷P̵!̶" He screamed gripping his hair as he fell back freaking out like he was being electrocuted or something. "J̴u̴s̶t̴ ̸s̶h̷u̷t̸ ̸t̶h̵e̵ ̷f̵u̶c̷k̴ ̸u̴p̶,̶ ̸V̶i̴r̸g̷i̷l̷!̴" My eyes went wide and I struggled to my feet. He's fighting against himself. It's not too late. He's still in there! "I̶t̴'̶s̸ ̶n̷o̸t̸ ̵R̷o̸m̶a̷n̸!̸ ̵R̶o̵m̷a̷n̸s̵ ̸d̵e̶a̷d̴.̵ ̵H̸e̶ ̷d̵i̸e̵d̶.̶ ̶T̷h̵a̷t̷ ̴s̶n̸a̴k̸e̵ ̸k̶i̴l̵l̵e̴d̴ ̶h̸i̸m̷.̶ ̵T̵h̶i̴s̷ ̶i̸s̴ ̵n̸o̸t̷ ̶h̸i̸m̸.̷ ̴H̷e̴'̶s̴ ̵a̵ ̸f̶a̸k̶e̸.̷ ̶A̵n̶ ̵i̷m̸p̷o̴s̴t̷e̴r̷.̵ ̶I̶ ̷w̶o̷n̶'̸t̴ ̷b̸e̷ ̶f̴o̴o̴l̵e̵d̵.̴ ̵I̸ ̵w̷o̴n̸'̶t̶ ̶l̶e̸t̸ ̷t̷h̸e̵m̷ ̸t̶r̸i̷c̴k̴ ̸m̴e̴.̷ ̶R̷O̶M̷A̷N̸'̶S̷.̵.̵.̸"

"Right here." I saw him tense up as I knelt beside him. "I'm right here."

"N̶-̴N̷o̵.̴.̷.̸ ̸Y̵-̸Y̷o̷u̸'̴r̷e̵ ̸n̸o̶t̸.̷.̵.̷ ̸Y̵o̷u̵'̶r̶e̷.̴.̸.̸" He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and I shook my head. I pulled him into my lap and just ran my fingers through his hair trying to soothe him. It didn't really work though. He was too tense... too scared. "N̵o̶.̴.̵.̴ ̴S̷t̸o̷p̶.̵ ̴L̵e̴t̴ ̵m̶e̵ ̴g̷o̵.̴.̷.̶ ̶L̴e̶t̴ ̷m̶e̸.̴.̴.̸" I pulled him in and locked our lips. It was the only thing I could think of to show it's really me. I held him tight, kissing him hard, even as he beat my chest in defiance. Slowly he started to stop as he started to relax into the embrace. 

Next thing I knew he had wrapped himself around me, knocking us both over. It was like this weight or shadow was lifted off us both. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I could feel as the insanity lost its hold and I smiled. He pulled away and my heart raced, seeing his beautiful chocolate eyes. I watched as he reached out and smiled. Unfortunately, I moved my shoulder the wrong fucking way and pain sparked through me causing me to flinch. The reaction was instant. It was like there was this it in my stomach and I looked up to see the pain in Virgil's eyes.

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