27. Blood and Truth

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  "Surprised?" I spun around to see Deceit standing there smiling wickedly.

"How? You were just..." 

"You didn't think I knew it was you?" I took a step back and suddenly everything froze. I couldn't move it was like I was bound by something. I looked over at Deceit and saw his eyes glowing yellow. What the hell? "I circled back, dumbass. You let your guard down."

"B-But I saw..." He just laughed.

" You saw what I wanted you to see. Deception. Oh..." He frowned and whatever had bound me got tighter. "Thanks for the bath. Now I smell like alcohol. Virgil is going to vomit." My eyes went wide and I tried to struggle against the invisible force. 

"Y-You w-won't win." I cringed at the stutter that came back. He just smiled so wide I could see he had fangs. Of course, he did. HE'S A SNAKE BITCH!

"There's the fearful, Roman I got to know. I wonder..." His eyes darkened as he walked over pulling off the sunglasses I was wearing. "How long your dragon will let you suffer."

"Leave him out of this." I growled and he laughed. I felt the force get tighter and it started to get harder to breathe.  I felt like it was going to cut me in half.

"No can do, Romano. I can't possibly let the enemy possess such a dangerous creature." I was starting to see spots and I fell to my knees in pain. I had... I had to break free. I had... to... "Hey Roman, don't pass out yet."

"Fuck... You." He put the hilt of his sword underneath my chin and lifted my head to look at him. 

"Did you know that dragons can tell when their rider is in danger? It's like a homing beacon." He smiled again and I tensed up feeling the force get tighter. I swear it was cutting into me. "And it is so easy to manipulate."


"Trap the rider, and use them as bait." My eyes went wide and suddenly there was mass panic. Screams as people ran in every Direction. 

"DRAGON!" I looked up to see this large black beast fly across the sky and my heart fell. Deceit's eyes narrowed as he jumped up onto a table and made his way to the roof of a small shack-like store. Ero flew back around landing behind me and wrapping himself around me protectively.

"Dammit... It's a tr... SHIT!" I cried out as I fell face first into the dirt the force so tight now I couldn't breathe at all. Everything hurt... and looked up to see Deceit face full of rage. His hand outstretched holding this ball of yellow light. Ero crouched down growling loudly and I started to freak. He needs to get out of here. ERO GET OUT OF HERE!

I screamed as loud as I could and the ground began to shake, air flooded into my lungs and I looked up to see Deceit standing there confused as all hell. The yellow was completely gone. I didn't have time to think about that I staggered to my feet and tried so hard to push Ero. I was so weak though he didn't budge at all.

"Vir..." Ero shot a blast of black fire at Deceit and Deceit had to quickly jump out of the way. I watched as the fire hit a stand behind him, burning it until not even the ash was left. 

"You have to go." Ero glanced back at me and I could see the pain in his eyes. I looked around through the panic and saw the soldiers coming to Deceit aid. If Ero didn't get out of here soon... 

"Roman?" I looked over seeing a very confused Logan just standing there staring at me. I just shook myself from my thoughts. I looked back at Ero with this serious look and jumped up, wrapping myself up and around until I was sitting on his back. Logan's eyes narrowed as he pulled out his cell and started running. Patton must have started Plan B, The Royal Evac Plan. Basically, text the shit out of us and tell us where to go to escape successfully. Deceit's eyes went wide as Ero shook himself out and took to the air.

"WHY HIM?!" I looked behind me wide-eyed at Deceit who was just staring at has with rage.  He held out his sword and I watched in horror as it started to glow yellow. I thought whatever the yellow shit was gone. Deceit narrowed his eyes and a blast fired from his sword hitting Ero right in the leg.

He cried out in pain and my body practically seized up on me. I held on tighter as Ero shook himself out and pushed past the pain to get us both home. The sun was slowly making it's way down and I could feel Ero shaking underneath me.  I looked back to see his leg and my heart dropped. How could light do so much damage? Ero dipped unintentionally and I frowned.

"You have to land." He shook his head and I held him tighter. "Your hurt. You have to land." He shot me this glare and I looked up to see Mt. Diablo in the distance. "Please... I know you want to get me home but I..." His one wing started to give out and I looked up to see the moon rising higher. This is around the time Ero disappears. "ERO PLEASE!"

I buried myself into him as he struggled the last bit of distance. I saw Patton standing there phone in hand as Ero threw me in. Patton caught me and pulled me out of the way as Ero practically fell in. He rolled colliding with everything until he hit the back wall and cried out. Pain shot up through my legs and fell to my knees unable to move.

Patton rushed over trying to untangle Ero from everything. I sat there in complete shock as Ero seemed to scream out in agony. His entire body shaking and convulsing in in itself. 

"Patton's what happening?" He looked back at me with tears in his eyes and shook his head. Ero cried out again his body twitching and I felt this fear well up in me. "PATTON?!"

"Shh... I know... I know." Patton pulled me into a hug and started rocking me back and forth as Ero's cries slowly started to get quieter... Different. "I'm sorry, Roman. You shouldn't have had to find out this way."

"Find out what?" There was a more human scream and my eyes went wide. Patton instantly ran over pulling everything out of the way. I slowly made my way over, completely in shock. Patton froze and gasped, nearly falling over.

"It didn't heal."

"What didn't heal?" He looked over at me and I froze seeing red all over the floor. "Patton."

"Roman, don't look." He jumped up and tried to pull me away but I pushed past him and fell to my knees. There was Virgil unconscious and broken on the floor. His leg... his... Next thing I knew everything went black. "Roman!"

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