21. Deceit's Dragon...

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Why did I come back? I sat there in front of the library tapping my foot as I just waited. He never said what time. For all I know, I may have missed him. Or he isn't coming. Or he is coming to throw me in prison because he realized who I was and I am so dead.

"There you are." Virgil's going to freak out and Ero... What's going to happen to him? If I die he dies and Virgil will freak out twice. I fucking miss Virgil! I wish he was here. I'm losing my damn mind. "Huh, Kid?" Here I am in Ceit. FUCKING CEIT! Like, why?! What possessed me to actually go through with it? And now I find out that being far away from Ero is causing him pain and I'm... I'm losing it. Literally. "HEY!"

"What the fuck!" I jumped back only to see Deceit standing there with this concerned look in his eyes. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. How long have you been away from for dragon?" He reached out and I jumped back again involuntarily. He reached out again placing the back of his hand to my forehead and frowned.

"A week... maybe two. It took a while to get here. I don't do horses."

"Why didn't you bring your dragon then? We have a stable. We are very accommodating for them even if 90 percent of the ones that are here are wild." I narrowed my eyes at him and he just shrugged. "They choose there rider. But the least we can do is provide food and shelter." His eyes darkened and I got this pit in my stomach. Yes I know I am jumpy but... something is telling me he isn't as nice as he is letting on.

"I was not a-aware of the problems b-being separated c-caused." Great now I'm studdering like Logan. Get a hold of yourself. "That's why I came here."

"I see. Well, let's get going. I told Kuro, I wouldn't be gone long." He started walking before I even got up and I had to run to catch up to him. He glanced over at me as I looked at the ground and I heard him sigh. "So where are you from?"


"You and your dragon..." I looked away and Deceit frowned. "Your red hair is usually tied to the southern Kingdom." I frowned as Deceit kept going on. I slowed down slightly catching his attention. He stopped and looked over to see me just standing there. "I'm sorry was it something I said?"

"I... I-I have m-my mothers hair." His eyes darkened and he continued on without saying another word. I need to stop this. I should just go home and I don't know. Honestly, I would go find Virgil but... I should probably look for Ero. I looked over at Deceit and sighed. "I-I'm sorry for b-bring the mood down."

"No, It's my fault. I take it she's from the Southern Kingdom." I nodded and ran a hand through my hair. 

"Yeah, but hey. I-I didn't c-come here to think about the p-past." Deceit smiled and stopped short in front of this giant building. This big ass scary looking metal gate loomed over us and my hands started to shake.

"It's ok, kid." I looked over at Deceit to see him smiling supportively. "It's completely safe. I promise."

"That n-nice... I just d-don't feel exactly s-safe... r-right now." I hugged the hoodie around myself a little more and Deceit frowned.

"I know. It's just because you've been away for too long. I'm sure your dragon isn't having that good a time either." My eyes went wide and Deceit opened the gate as slowly as he could knowing the sound would upset me. "It's normal trust me. By the time you get back home to the southern kingdom you're going to able to work past this... fear."

"Did you?" He shot me this confused look as we made our way inside. "Did you e-ever have to get u-used to it I-I mean."

"Every dragon rider should. Otherwise, how will you function if you ever lose them?" The smile on his face as he said that sent shivers down my back. Don't forget, Roman. This is Deceit. The same man that hunted many dragons whilst having his own. He commands an army and the rumors... The rumors about him are enough to send anyone running at that sight of him. Plus people said he fought with real Eragon and won. The burn on his face proof of it. Don't let your guard down, Roman. EVER! "Here we are."

"Where... Holy sh-shit."  I stood in awe at the numerous amount of dragons that filled the area. Deceit just walked through as if completely unaware of the immense fear building up in me. These are living fire breathing dragons. How is he not...

"Kuro!" He yelled and there was a growl behind me. I froze as I felt something start sniffing me. There was a breath of hot air and I slowly spun around to see a very big and very scary looking red dragon. I think I found Kuro. Suddenly I was pinned to a wall harshly by a tail and Deceit spun around to see his dragon crouched ready to attack. "Kuro. Heel!" The dragon growled again and inched closer. "Now." The dragon shook his head and I tensed up. I felt this pain in my chest and I looked over to see a very angry Deceit. "Tacón!" I watched the dragon look over at Deceit and then back at me before finally backing up. Deceit ran up pulling Kuro into a sort of hug petting her head. She pushed up against his hand like a cat and I just stayed close to the wall. "What got into you, girl? You're usually so much nicer than this."

"Uh... D-Deceit-t?" He looked over at me and the dragon growled again making me jump back.

"Enough, Kuro. Amigo!"  Deceit kept petting Kuro as he barred her teeth at me. "Se bueno!"

"I-I d-don't think she l-likes me."

"Which is odd." He looked over at me and smiled. "She only ever did this with my Ex."

My Knight in Dragon ScalesWhere stories live. Discover now