31. I fucking HATE Lydia!

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"Wait, I'm confused." We were both back at the gazebo and my thought were going on hyperdrive. "Ok so... Virgil is the Prince of Roe... Which makes fucking 200 years old!" Ava started laughing and I shook myself from my thoughts. I mean for being that that he was still fucking hot so... forget it. "The legend of Eragon is in fact true just not accurate. He... He killed all those elves." Her eyes darkened but I kept going. "He's a druid. The firestarter to be exact meaning he was born with fire magic... No he was born a dragon in human form." She nodded and I narrowed my eyes. "All that I got down but... What I don't understand was why he was in human form during all that."

"Seriously that's what confuses you?"

"No it all confuses me that's just something I can latch on to." She sighed and looked away. "If he's a dragon during the day then... How was he a human then?"

"He wasn't always a dragon, Roman. Not physically anyway. He hadn't awakened... not until I..." She looked away again and I grabbed her hand before she could just leave.

"What happened?"

"Lydia, happened." She snapped and I turned to see Virgil just sitting there in the center of the gazebo with this big smile on his face and his eyes closed to the world. 

"So are we really going to ignore what he did?!" Lydia stood in front of him glaring and I already wanted to punch her. She really didn't like Virgil but... He wasn't even doing anything. He looked like a child. Helpless and in need of support but I could tell she was just seeing what he did. I won't lie, knowing what he did, I would be terrified. I can understand her anger and fear but... I fucking love this man. Even knowing all this... I just can't see my life without him.

"And here I thought the Firestarter's attribute was unyielding love." I glared at Ava and she laughed.

"We're just going to act like he isn't a total danger to everyone and everything."

"Sister please, you'll." Lya started to get up and Lydia just looked shocked.

"I'll what Lya. I'll set him off." She crossed her arms and I started to get this bad feeling. Virgil was just sitting there. His smile fell and he started to hug himself, like a kid too scared to speak."That's the problem though, isn't it? Him getting set off. What will he do, huh? Will he kill me?" I watched as he started to shake his head and I my heart broke. He really did look like a small kid. His mannerisms... his personality. He wasn't a kid he had to be in his early twenties but you couldn't help but want to help him. He was so vulnerable. To be honest I've never seen him like this. I didn't like it. I didn't like how he looked like he could break. I wanted him to smile and laugh.  "He wouldn't think. He would just lash out. He's psychotic."

"He's family." Virgil's eyes went wide and I smiled. Lya really did care for him.

"He is not." Once again Ava held me back as Lydia walked over and grabbed Virgil by the collar, lifting him into the air. Her eyes started to glow yellow and I burned with rage. Deceit has those same eyes. I watched in horror as those vines started to wrap around his neck. 

"SISTER STOP!" Lya yelled and the others tensed up. Virgil looked around pure fear radiating off of him. I watched as he tried to open his mouth to say something but never actually did. I looked over at Ava and she frowned. "LYDIA!"

"Save it Lya. You know I'm right. You said it yourself. He's too powerful to be left to his own mind." I pulled myself free from Ava and just stood there completely pissed off. Like she as any fucking right. He's changed. He got better. I know he did. After everything that happened, he proved her wrong. She's just fucking bitch. A bitch that reminds me too much of Deceit.

"Lydia, that's enough. He's but a child. Surely you must see that." I looked over at Ava as the other Avery took a step towards Virgil.  "The true man at fault is long since gone. Do not pass blame to the child."

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