7. Lost in emotion.

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"Roman?" I stared off into space. I couldn't stop thinking about all that time I spent running from him... Running from this. He was here grieving over losing me. He was here getting sicker and I didn't even know. "Roman..." What if he dies and I never get a chance to make up with him? "Roman." What if I never get the chance to apologize for just leaving without telling him goodbye. "Roman!" What if... "Roman, I know you're upset right now but please..." I looked up at Logan to see him on the verge of tears. "I need you right now."

"I'm sorry, Logan. I know... I just... I'm sorry." Logan looked away and ran a hand through his hair, trying to compose himself. "What were you saying?"

"We're going to war Roman. With Ceit of all places... You've heard the rumors, yes?" I cringed at the memory. The whole guild was buzzing with it. "It's not a rumor. It's all true. I've seen them myself."

"Damn Dragon Riders." I cursed under my breath and Logan gave me a stern look. 

"Regardless of your opinion of dragons. Having one under you proves great strength. Dragon riders are stronger than even slayers." I crossed my arms and huffed.

"I resent that."

"Doesn't make it less true. They've taken the time to tame the very creatures that your learning to kill. The patience alone is a virtue that our kingdom does not possess. I don't know how to counter that." His voice went soft and I saw just how hard he was taking this. This is not the time to get offended or prideful. This is life and death for so many of our people...

"Your right. I... Can I come back to on this?" He narrowed eyes at me in confusion but nodded. I started to leave when I saw fear flash in his eyes. It broke my heart. "Don't worry Logan. I'm leaving alone with this. There's just... someone I need to see."

I don't know why I found myself here I again. I don't know why my first thought was to find him. I stood there in the snow and mess as tears fell from my face like waterfalls. I couldn't move. I couldn't do a thing. I just stood there frozen. Lost in my emotions, I just couldn't escape from.

"Roman? What are you... Roman?!" I felt a pair of arms go around me and broke down. I latched onto them and felt myself drop. "PATTON! PATTON GET OUT HERE NOW!" 

"Kiddo? Are you ok?" I pushed myself farther into the warmth that surrounded me. "Roman, please tell us. What's wrong?" I shook my head no and just laid there. I didn't want to drag them into my mess. They didn't even know I was a prince. Sure Virgil called me Princey but that was a coincidence. I never actually told them. The last thing I want is for them to look at me differently. The last thing I want is for them to...

"Roman, your scaring me." I opened my eyes to find Virgil holding on to me for dear life. I saw the tears fall and the guilt washed over me. "Please, talk to us."

"I'm sorry. I... I just... I didn't know where else to go." I pulled away from Virgil and just looked at my hand defeatedly. "You don't even know me but... I just... I really am sorry."

"Your family now, kiddo. Whatever it is I'm sure..."

"My father is dying." Patton immediately clamped up unable to think of a response. "And my brother is going to war."

"What?" Virgil stood up and looked at me with shock. "Why would anyone chose that?"

"He's not. He has a duty to do and... so do I." Patton's eyes went wide and Virgil started to shake his head.

"Roman, what are you getting at?"

"I can't let him do this alone. For all his strength, he is still vulnerable. I just can't..." I felt the tears begin to fall again and I had to shake myself from my thoughts. "I'm going to joining him."


"Because it is my duty as their prince!" I snapped back and Virgil stood there frozen in shock. Patton covered his mouth and looked away. "I don't have a choice and neither does he. Logan's the in line for the throne and Father is on his deathbed. What am I supposed to do, Virgil?"

"War is a corrupting force that only brings death and destruction. No side ever wins and all it does is spread more hate."

"Talking like you know. You're a fucking hermit, Virgil! What the hell do you know?"

"What do I know? YoU HaVE No IdeA WHaT I'Ve BeeN tHroUGh, PRINCY!" I reeled back at the anger in his voice and I looked away. I felt as Virgil pulled me in resting my head on his chest. "Look, I'm sorry, ok? I've just seen a lot. I know what war does to people." I looked up to see him staring off into space as if remembering something he never wanted to again. "Who is it against?"


"Who are you going to war against?" I pulled away again and ran a hand through my hair. "Roman?"

"The kingdom of Ceit." A blast of warm air burst through the room and I had to shield myself from the heat. I looked over at Virgil to see him standing there, eyes burning with rage.

"Nope. Nuh uh... You are NOT fighting those fucking monsters!" He was practically screaming at me.

"I know, but I have to. Those dragons aren't impervious, we'll find a way..."

"I wasn't talking about the dragons." I shot him a look of confusion and I saw his terrified expression. "I was talking about their riders."

"Virgil?" I saw him begin to shake and I rushed over, catching hiim before he could fall. He just stared wide-eyed in shock. Patton started to rush over but stopped when Virgil latched on to me. "Virgil... It's ok. Whatever it is... It's going to be ok."

"Please... please don't fight them. Those riders... they're the real monsters." I picked him up laid down on the couch holding him close like the first night. He was shaking so badly. "Roman please... don't do it."

"Shh. Virgil. It's going to be ok. I promise." He pushed himself closer and I watched as he slowly relaxed until he fell asleep. Patton came over and sighed. His serious look back on his face.

"Roman." I looked up at him and flinched. He really does scare the shit out of me. "I need you to promise me that whatever happens, you'll keep an open mind."

"What do you mean?"

"Virgil... He's not going to let you go alone. And we both know you aren't going to keep your promise."

"Patton I..."

"So keep this one. NO MATTER WHAT! Can you do that? Can you promise to keep an open mind?" I looked over at Virgil and felt my heart break over the tears that spilled from his sleeping eyes. I nodded and Patton looked away. "Ok, then... I'm putting my faith in you Roman." He headed for the door only looking back for a split second. "Don't make me regret it."

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