35. Witches are a thing?

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"Emile?! What..." Patton pulled him into a hug so fast I swear Remi got jealous. "What are you doing here? I thought you got a job at the college."

"I did. Roman here asked for some assistance." He pointed back at me and Patton shot me this look of confusion. I wasn't aware he already knew about you guys. I was just asking for some advice.

"Emile's a friend of mine Roman. From back when I... Well, before I met Virgil. He's the one I went to when we first got here." Patton looked away and Emile narrowed his eyes at us. 

"Yo, so does anyone have coffee?" Remi called and Emile groaned. "I'm already bored."

"Then take a nap." Emile laughed but by the look of things that was exactly what Remi was probably going to do. "But you'll miss the fireworks." Emile sang spinning his finger in the air and Remi smirked. Fireworks? What fireworks... Patton? I looked over at him and frowned. His expression said it all. "Don't worry, Roman. He can't hurt me."

"No, he couldn't hurt you. You haven't exactly been practicing." Remi called through a yawn. He stood up and walked over, leaning against Emile for support. "You sure you can handle a dragon?"

"I'll be fine. If anything happens, you'll just put him to sleep." Emile laughed and I cringed. I don't really understand what's going on. "Anyway Patton, what happened?"

"What?" Patton glanced over at us and smiled sadly. Emile frowned looking over at me confused. "I'm sorry did I miss something?"

"I asked what happened."

"Oh... Well. I don't know. I wasn't there. Roman..." He stopped and narrowed his eyes at the floor. "Roman was there." It was my fault. Just say it... It's true. "Roman, sweety, no one blames you." Emile looked over at me and I sighed running a hand through my hair. 

"Forget it, let's just go." I called as I started towards Virgil temporary room. When we got there I hesitated at the door. I could feel Virgil's pain. It was like there was this burning all over me. I could feel the tears start to well up and I had to shake myself out of my head. I opened the door and was immediately taken back by the intense chill. "Shit. Virgil?" I watched as Virgil lifted his head slightly and his eyes narrowed. This wash of anger washed over me and I frowned.

"Roman I would move..." I looked back at Emile with confusion. "... Like now!" He pushed me out of the way just as a blast of red fire fired at Emile. He held his hand up and it frowned as the fire surrounded him in a sort of tornado.

"I did tell you..."

"Shut up, Remi!" The tornado disappeared in a blast of smoke with Emile unharmed in the center. Remi just scoffed as he laid down on the floor yawning again. "I'm just a little rusty is all. Roman dear..." He pointed over at Virgil who was now growling and frowned. "Do you mind trying to calm him down a bit."

"You know that doesn't help." Patton called as he passed Remi a blanket. That guy legit fell asleep in a room with a dragon in a place he has never been. I'm slightly envious. "When it comes to you he's just..."

"But he can't see him..." I said cutting Patton off. They both just looked at me with these wide eyes. "I thought I mentioned it."

"You did but... I thought you were being metaphorical." I narrowed my eyes and he just laughed. "Maybe He's being like Toph. She's blind but she sees through the vibration of her feet. He is a dragon and their senses are incredibly strong."

"Whatever it is... If we could drown it out..." I stopped and remembered last night. He didn't know it was me.  I remember holding him and he seemed to breathe me in. Like he was melting in my scent or something. Now that I think about it... What do I smell like to him? On second thought... I don't want to know. I don't want to find out it was something bad. Now it's going to make me super self-conscious around him. 

"Roman!" I turned around just in time to see Emile with his arms out again and this white shield of light, blocking him from Virgil's tail that had just lashed out. Why does Virgil not like him so much? AND WHAT'S WITH THE LIGHT?!

"Emile is a witch, Roman. I thought you knew that. Why else would you seek him out?" I turned to see Patton just standing there unfazed by it all.

"I didn't know that! I didn't even seek him out. I saw him and remembered he was into the supernatural shit so I thought I would ask him some questions. THAT'S ALL!" I looked over at Virgil and saw him with this very confused expression. He moved until he was sitting with his head tilted to the side like a dog and I frowned. He was scared. That's all it was. He was terrified. I looked over at Emile and saw him brushing of some flames off his sweater and shook my head. "Virgil..." I started walking towards him and he tensed up. "It's ok it's me."


"It's ok. You're ok." I held my hand out but didn't attempt to touch him. I didn't want to scare him anymore. It must be hard on him. He can't see. He's in some random ass room he's never been in before. It's got to be scary. He took a deep breath and this big smile formed on his face. He pushed his nose into my hand and used his tail to pull me in. "See, I told you, we're ok. I won't let anything bad happen."

"Roman..." Emile started and Virgil instantly started to growl. He does not like him? What the heck happened? "Sorry... Shouldn't have spoken."

"Dude, you're just pissing him off!" Remi yelled and Virgil stopped. "The last thing you want is an angry dragon." I looked up at Virgil to see him lost and I smiled, reaching out to pet him.

"I don't know why you don't like him." Virgil looked down at me and I pushed myself farther into him. "But I asked him for some help. So if you could let him... for me." I felt the tears form again and I shuddered. "I don't know what to do, Virgil. Your leg is hurt badly. Your eyes... I just want to help you get better. But I can't."

"Roman..." I shot Emile a look and He looked away.

"How about this? If you let Picani look at you, I'll take you out. Where ever you what? Whatever you want? Whatever it may be. Just us... together." He looked away for a second before laying his head on the ground beside me. "So... Will you do it. For me..." He let out a puff of smoke and I smiled. "I'll take that as a yes."

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