20. Library of Dragons?

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I stood there staring at those large doors and I honestly didn't know what I was thinking. If I get found out, I am so dead. I pushed the fake glasses up and wrapped the hoodie around me. Virgil is going to kill me... even if they don't.

"Sir?" I spun around to see someone standing there his black hat blocking his eyes. "Are you going to go in or..."

"Oh right sorry." I pushed past the door and walked inside. It was huge. Way bigger than our library. You know that library the beast had. The one he gave to Belle. This one had the same structure design but fuck... This one was big! Filled with all these books, Logan would love it here.

"First time here?" I turned to see that man still beside me and I shrugged.

"Is it that obvious?" He nodded and my face paled. Well Roman way to look like a total outsider. "It so big. It kind of caught me off guard."

"Yes, well..." He looked up, fixing his hat and smiling. "I try to keep them well informed."

"Deceit..." His mismatched eyes narrowed slightly as he smiled wider. 

"You've heard of me?" I pushed up my glasses and let my hair fall into my face.

"Who hasn't heard of the number one dragon rider? That's actually why I'm here. To r-read about d-dragons." I cleared my throat and he just laughed.

"I know what the rumors say but I relax. I won't bite." He smirked a little evilly and I tensed up. "I usually leave that to my Kuro. She can be a bit feisty if not fed."

"I can imagine." I laughed a bit awkwardly and Deceit just burst out laughing.

"Seriously relax kid I'm playin."

"Right... Anyway I should get going. I just... I don't know where to begin." He narrowed him eyes in thought and I couldn't help but feel scared. Here beside me was literally the strongest fucking man in the kingdom. Next in line for the throne and I am an enemy. At any moment they could... God, I wish Virgil was here with me and I don't even know why exactly. It's just... I feel like he would keep me safe. I've just felt so... helpless lately since I left on this damn trip.

"Well, depending on your level of knowledge..."

"I have none." He just laughed and shook his head. 

"Well, ok then. I would... hold on... follow me." He grabbed my hand and I swear I nearly screamed. Get a grip Princy... Princy. Jesus, now I'm even calling myself that just for some sort of support. What the fuck! Maybe it had to do with this whole dragon rider? But why? I'm so lost. He pulled me over to this table and sat me down as he pulled this book off the shelf. He handed it over to me and I sighed. "It's a beginners book but everything in it is accurate so..."

"Actually..." Why am I doing this? Why... AHH! I can hear him now. ROMAN YOUR SUCH A FUCKING MORON! So why? "I'm really curious about there riders too. My Father told me to check this place out but..."

"What better source of information than me right?" I nodded and he sat down beside me smiling. "I don't mind. I'm sure Kuro will be ok if I'm away for a little bit longer." I gave him this confused look and just laughed again. "I guess this will be your first piece of info. Dragons and their riders share a unique bond. One that is only rivaled by the five Druids."

"A bond?" He nodded and I pulled a notebook out my bag to start writing things down. He narrowed his eyes and I started to twirl the pen around my fingers. "Research should always be written down." At least that's what Logan said.

"Yes, a bond. An emotional... spiritual one. That's why I am never too far from Kuro at a time. It isn't healthy for either of us." I froze a bit. 


"Well, it causes her pain and I... It's just not good." I nodded knowing he was only going tell me what he thinks is safe to. If I push he might close up or worse get suspicious. Again WHY THE FUCK AM I DOING THIS?! I feel like my skin is crawling. Everything feels dangerous and I don't know why I agreed to be here.

"You said it causes them pain? I'm confused."

"The Dragon feels everything that happens. Have you ever seen the movie Eragon?" I choked a bit on nothing and Deceit shot me a concerned look.

"Sorry Eragon?" He nodded and I just shook my head.

"It's not like the legend. It's about the last dragon rider. Things are different obviously but in the movie the main bad guy is explainning to Eragon that A rider can live without their dragon." He looked down and I could see his hands start to turn into fists. I wanted to run... But I need more info. "But the dragon cannot live without their rider."

"Is that true?" He shot me this scary as look and I clammed up.

"Yes. It is. But on top of that they feel when there rider is hurting. It causes them physical pain. It's the same with being separated. If a rider is too far away for too long..." Shit, ero! I looked back towards the door and I felt Deceit grab my hand again. I tensed up again but even seeing his soft smile didn't help to relax me.

"Why are you so interested?" My eyes went wide and I could form a flippen thought. Like is this an effect of being far for Ero. I'm tense and scared and helpless feeling. I feel cold and I always looking over my shoulder. I feel alone. Just... alone.

"I... uh... I-I don't... I c-can't..."

"Hey don't fret. I know the signs when I see them. Your eyes... There a big giveaway."

"MY EYES!" I jumped at my own voice and started looking around. I was in a library after all. Deceit just laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "Sorry."

"Your eyes... and the obvious fear. Your dragon isn't near are they?" I tensed up again and he sighed. "Hey it's ok. Why don't we have a more.... hands on teaching experiance. I have to run because of Kuro but if your here tomorrow. I'll teach ya some more."


"Of course. I wouldn't let a fellow rider down..."

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