36. I'm lost.

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"So..." I whispered as I pet Virgil's head. I had somehow coaxed him into falling asleep which made it easier for Emile to work. He had wrapped Virgil's leg and was somehow making it fireproof and stuff. I don't understand this whole witch thing. I didn't even know Druids truly existed until recently. "How's his leg?"

"Well, you'll be happy to know he is healing. Although by the looks of this it's only started to heal recently. Any specific change that may have caused it?" Patton shook his head and I frowned. "Well, it would have to have been yesterday that it happened."

"We moved him here but that was about... Well, there was Roman." Patton said as everyone looked at me. "He woke up."

"What do you mean woke up?" Emile had this look on his face that made me flinch a little. "How does Roman waking up cause Virgil to heal? I don't..."

"It doesn't." I said looking down at Virgil feeling the warmth start to radiate off of him for the first time in days. He seemed to take a deep breath and it was like his whole body stopped shaking. "Unless it's a rider thing, I don't see how..."

"Rider?" Emile cut me off and I sighed. Patton just nodded and I frowned. "You're Virgil's rider? WAIT HE PICKED A RIDER?! I would have thought that after what Deceit did he never would have..." The shock on my face could have frozen a damn bullet. He just frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "I mean... I'm just surprise?"

"Virgil hasn't told Roman about his past." I narrowed my eyes and Patton sighed. "I think it's best we leave that to them." If Deceit is anything like Lydia I would think he was terrible to him. Patton's eyes went wide and I frowned. STAY OUT OF MY HEAD! "I can't help it. I told you that!"

"Can't help what?" 

"Can we get back to Virgil, please?" I called out as I looked back down at him. He actually looked like he wasn't hurting. Yet when I'm not there, he's in agony. Is it really just me? Am I really whats helping him? I saw as the purple began to creep in and I had to blink away the tears that were forming. How is it that I help him just be being there? How can I fully help him if I don't understand it? I saw something in the corner of my eye and froze. 

"Well, I think the best course of action would be to find this versions shield." I didn't even hear what Emile was saying. I was just staring at Avery. She was just standing there in the corner of the room with this big smile on her face. "After all if it is a projector curse then the shield is the only one that can remove it from him." How... She shook her head and place her finger on her lips looking over at Patton. I just shook myself from thoughts and looked over at Emile who I just realized was talking. "However it depends on the curse and power of the shield. For the most part, we may just be hoping to lessen the effects or pass it  on to another."

"I'm sorry what? I..."' I glanced back over at Avery and I sighed. She was just walking around looking at everyone and everything. "I got distracted."

"We need the shield bitch!"

"REMI!" Emile crossed his arms in shock while Remi just laughed.  Remi got up and walked over, holding the blanket over him. He knelt down in front of me and pulled his glasses down peering over them at me.

"What's wrong?" I narrowed my eyes in confusion as Remi sat there waiting for an answer. "You're eyes are glassy, almost like your dreaming." He pointed at my eyes and started making circles as if tracing something. "And your eyes aren't red anymore, they have this purple..." His eyes went wide and his hand dropped. He pushed his glasses back up and just smiled wide. "No fucking way."

"I think he knows." Avery whispered as she poked him. He couldn't feel her but the way she was doing it, I had to choke back a laugh. "well, there goes that. There really isn't a point to stay quiet anymore."

"Who said that?!" Patton jumped looking around and I frowned. That's why Avery said to be quiet. 

"I DID!" Avery sang as she spun around to see Patton there white as a ghost. "It's so weird to see you without the cloth on your eyes. Lya never went without it."

"L-Lya?" Emile glanced over at Patton and frowned. "H-How d-do you know L-Lya?"

"She's my friend." Avery almost looked a little upset. She reached out but stopped, looking over at me. "The witch is right you know. That's why I'm here to help..."

"Why am I getting Avatar vibes again?" I called out in frustration. Emile just lit up and smiled.

"Avatar... like what kind. Is it like book one or..." Avery just crossed her arms in confusion and I laughed. "No... not the cartoon? Well, then I can't help."

"No, you were right. I meant the last avatar." He went to say something and I shook my head. "We have to focus on Virgil." I shot Avery a look and she just narrowed her eyes. 

"That's why I'm here Roman. To help."

"How?" Patton called out in frustration. He was so confused. Thought Emile was more so. It made sense. Patton could only hear her and I'm the only one that can see her. Avery looked over at me with this serious look and my stomach dropped. 

"Because... the shields the only one that can help. So, what do you say Roman? Should we help?" Pattons face fell so fast. I just sat the looking at Virgil unsure what to say. "I thought you wanted to help him."

"I do. I don't know how." I felt my worry build and with it the purple tint to my vision.

"You already are. Look at him, Roman. Just being with him, you're helping ease his pain." I looked back down to see Virgil laying there peacefully. "Your subconsciously using your power on him. You have been sense you met."

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