1.Saying Goodbye

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All stories have to begin somewhere, somehow. A good story pulls you in. A great story brings you to tears. But a legend... A legend makes you wonder. They make you see the world through their eyes.  A colored lens...


"Hello again, grandpa. I brought that book you used to read me when I was younger." I said as I stood there, letting the rain wash down my face with no attempt to stop it. After all, you can't tell when someone is crying if they're out in the rain. I bent down, placing the book and a rose beside the tombstone. I knew my grandfather wasn't actually there. He was in the royal tombs, but having this place to talk to him made him feel a little better. "I don't have long today since I'm going out again, but I thought I would come and say hi before I left. So... Hi."

I ran a hand through my wet hair and sighed. I just keep thinking back to that day. I had just come back home and father was yelling at me... Like what's new. He never accepted my dream to be a hero. He never understood my need to for adventure. Not like you did. I keep thinking that it was my fault. He was yelling at me and I just snapped. You couldn't handle the strain of watching your family fight and... and... 

"Roman?" I turned around to see Logan standing there with a neutral expression. His eyes were soft but his stance was stern and I sighed.

"Coming!" I called back. I turned as glanced down at the book laying there and smiled. "Goodbye, Grandpa. I'll come back again someday. ..." I turned away and started towards Logan. "Maybe."

"Saying your farewells?" I looked over at Logan and his stern expression softened a bit. "I'm gonna miss you brother."

"Aw, you big sap." I yelled as I pulled him into a big hug and practically lifted him off the ground. Logan just straightened himself out and fixed his hair, walking back to the car alone. "Yeah, I'll miss you too."

Walking into the castle brought so many memories back, I had to stop and breathe. Logan glanced back at me as I just started at the ground. This was my home, but I never felt at home here. Now that he's gone. I just don't feel... wanted.

"Roman..." I looked up to see Logan standing there with his arms open. I felt as tears began to fall and Logan gave me a sad look. He walked over and pulled me into a hug as I just stood there crying. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"I miss him so much." I felt as he put his hand on my head pulling me in closer. "I just can't... I don't know... Ahhh... I can't even..."

"I know. I know, but Roman..." I looked up at him and he wiped the tears from my eyes with a smile. "You're never alone. Whatever you need, no matter the distance, you have me."

"Thanks, Lo..." I said pulling away from him. "But that's not true. You have a kingdom to watch over. The last thing you need is to worry about your little brother."

I left him standing there with this confused look on his face. What was I supposed to say? I've been thinking about this since I was little. Every trip I made was a small bit of freedom I didn't get here... I'd never get here. Now Grandpa's gone and Father is sick... I just can't stay here anymore. Logan understands. I was never meant for this life. I'm made for adventure and heroic deeds.

I'm going to be a hero!

Then maybe I can come back. After I've proven to Father, that this is more than a childish fantasy. I will make it my reality.

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