33. Blind to his thoughts.

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"So explain it to me again?" I sighed running a hand through my hair and frowned. Logan was pacing the floor and I started to get a little uncomfortable. We had moved Virgil to this bigger room with a giant makeshift bed. That way he could stay here in dragon form too. The only problem was there were tiles on the floor. There was this one tile that was slightly elevated and if you stepped on it it was a noise. Logan never ceased to hit it every fucking time. Every time he stepped on it, it made me cringe. I was losing my mind. "To be honest the only thing I really got from that was... Virgil, he's a dragon? I don't understand."

"There's too much to explain, Logan. I shouldn't have even said anything."I looked over at Virgil and frowned. He looked like he was in so much pain. I hated it. Logan stopped and glanced between the two of us."Look, Lo, I'm not really..."

"Hey, It's ok. You stay with him. I'll go see if Patton needs me." I didn't even look up. I heard the door close and I felt myself shudder. It was cold in here. It's never cold around Virgil. He's a living heater...

"I'm so sorry." I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I got caught. I took the risk and it backfired. Now he's hurt and it's my fault. It's my... I saw Virgil move slightly and my eyes went wide. "Virgil?" Virgil groaned and I couldn't help but smile. He's awake. "Virgil?"

"T-Thomas?"I saw him smile and I frowned. Who's Thomas? I reached out, taking his hand and feeling him start to shake. "Thomas, you're..."

"Hush now, Virgil. It's ok. You're going to be ok." I whispered brushing his hair back. He just shook his head as he tried to pull his hand away. I just held tighter.

"He knows... He has to." My eyes narrowed as I saw the fear show in him. He was scared. He was shaking and I didn't know what to do."Roman must know now."

"Know what?"He frowned and I looked away. There was a lot that I knew... but Virgil didn't know that.

"That I'm a dragon... that I was the dragon he..." That I was going to kill him? That I tried... That I would have if Patton didn't stop me? Yeah... I know. "There is so much I never told him. So much more that he... Why would he want to stay with someone like me?" My eyes went wide as his voice broke. He was starting to cry and I started to shake as the purple came back. I don't want you to cry. I want you to be happy. You've been through to much shit to not be happy.

"Why wouldn't he?" I started to laugh although it was just to fill the awkward silence. I saw his sad expression and I stopped. Did he really think about this? "Virgil, Why wouldn't he?"

"Because I'm a monster." My smile dropped so fast. I was burning with anger. I know, ok. I know what you did. Well, I know the truth of the Great Forest attack. I'm sure there is so much more in your past that happened. But you are not a monster. You fight that part of you every day and win. I've seen monsters.

"You are not..." I watched him shake his head and I stopped.

"You don't know, Thomas. You died too young. You... never saw what I became. What I did..." Who is this Thomas? I saw the tears begin to fall from his face and I felt my chest close. "I always said my father made me. It was his fault, but he only gave the order. I was the one who went through with it. Lydia was right."

"Virgil..."He yanked his hand from mine and I sighed. That crazy bitch was not right. She killed me... er, well... Avery. She killed her right in front of you and then blamed it all on you. She was insane. She gave in, you fought. Don't say she's right. Please... I just want you to see the you that I see. I want you to let me in. "Talk to me. I won't judge. I promise."

"You never did, Thomas. No matter how mean the person or how ugly the doll..." He started to laugh and I looked away. "You never judged."

"So talk to me." He shook his head and I frowned. I got up and started walking around the room, unsure what to do anymore. "Why not?"

"Because you're not real. You're not really here. And I don't want you to see the person I became." He won't talk to me because he thinks I'm this Thomas person? He wouldn't talk to me either way... I just want him to see.

"Virgil, I am here. I am right next to you. I will never leave you. I love you and nothing is going to change that." I grabbed his hand and placed it over my heart as the tears began to fall. "I don't care if you're a dragon. I think that that's amazing. It actually explains so much. I don't care about what happened in your past, or your history with Deceit. I care about you. That's all. I... I thought you knew that."

"Wait, how do you know about Jan?" I just scoffed as I let his hand fall. He doesn't know it's me. I brushed his hair back again and frowned. He won't even look at me.

"Virgil, open your eyes." He started to shake his head and I just got confused. "Virgil, please look at me."

"I can't."

"Of course you can. you just have to..."

"It won't help." I clammed up as the confusion and fear welled up. Why won't it help? Why won't you look at me? What's going on? I watched as he slowly opened his eyes and it was like everything shattered. His eyes were white... faded... glossed over. He just frowned. "I can't see anything. It's just all black."

"You're blind? HOW?!" I jumped up and started pacing my mind running a mile a minute. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. How was this possible? How do I fix it? "The light hit your leg not your face... a-and you were fine until... Was it the fall? Did something happen when you landed? I mean it wasn't exactly very pretty. You slammed into everything. I wouldn't be..."

"S-Stop p-please." I froze and felt my heart start to race. I looked over at him to see him shaking again and I frowned. I sat down behind him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him in tight. "Everything is dark. Everything hurts. They won't shut up and I don't know what to do."

"Who won't shut up?" He gripped my shirt and I saw him take a deep breath, a small smile forming on his face. "Virgil, please. Talk to me."

"Thevoices..." I tensed up and looked away. The voices... His insanity. He shouldn't have to deal with this by himself. "The screams...They won't stop. It's all so quiet now but... It won't last." I held him tighter as he started to cry. "You're the only one that ever makes them stop."

"I am?" He nodded and I smiled. I keep the voices away? "Then I guess I'll just have to stay with you." I laid back, pulling him with me and just breathed him in. "I won't ever let you think you're alone, Virgil. I'll keep you safe. I love you."

"You said that already." He whispered as he pushed himself further into me.

"And I say it again and again. Until you believe it yourself. And then I'll still say it because I mean it, Virgil. I really do love you."

"I love you too, Princy." My eyes went wide and I just laid there with him. He said he loved me... ME! My sweet dragon prince...

We just laid there together for god knows how long. It wasn't until I felt his body tense up did it dawn on me... Dawn... Literally. The sun... I felt his body shake and sort of go in on itself. I let go and got up only to see him scrunch up in pain as his body convulsed. So much pain and he goes through this every day... twice a day.

I winced as he started to cry out but I refused to move. I refused to leave. He shouldn't be alone. Not through this... I felt pain go through my arm and I knelt down beside his bed, just waiting. Our bond is stronger now. Since that day with Deceit. I feel his pain...but not nearly at the same level. He screamed out as his back arched and I frowned. I never looked away. I never moved. I stayed with him the whole time and I'll do it every day from now on.

I'll figure out a way to save you. It's my job... As your boyfriend... As your rider... As your shield. You're my knight in dragon scales, Virgil. Every knight needs their shield.

First I have to fix what that asshole Deceit did...

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