6. Father's losing battle.

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"I came to request service." I sat there in shock. Logan was going to hire an adventurer?

"What about father?"

"He's sick, Roman. I told you that in the last letter. I guess I just never explained how bad." I could feel the room start to close on me and Logan frowned looking away. "Roman, he's dying."

"What?" The room went deathly silent and just sat there shaken. Logan sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "What do you mean?"

"He's dying... has been for a while now. And now that we're going to war with Ceit, I have to take charge. Roman..." I looked up to see Logan looking back completely lost. It shook me to the core. He always had the answer for everything. He's the smart one out of the to of us. "... I don't know what to do." I took a deep breath and collected myself. The last thing Logan needs right now is for me to be dramatic. "Roman, I..."

"What do you need?" His eyes went wide and looked away. "Whatever it is, you can count on me."

"But... What about your dream?" I shook my head and smiled. "Roman, I didn't come to take you back home. You're obviously happy here. I don't want to ruin this for you."

"Logan, you could never ruin anything for me. I am an adventurer. But before I was that, I was a prince. And if my kingdom needs me... If my brother needs me, I will help no questions or hesitations. Now..." I took his hands and saw the tears well in his eyes. "What do you need me to do."

I stood there staring at the castle for the first time in two very long years. I honestly never thought I'd come back. Regardless of the struggle I had living here, he's still my father. And this is still my kingdom!

"Father?" I opened the door to his room and my heart sank. He was lying there in bed asleep, and I couldn't hold back the tears. He looked so pale and so thin. I sat beside him and just counted each shallow breath he took. "Hello, again Father. I know it's been a while and you're probably not happy with me, but..."

"Lo..gan?" I flinched and started to pull away. "Are... you there?" I felt as a frail hand wrapped itself around mine and I pulled away. "Where's... your brother? Where's... Roman?" My eyes went wide as I looked over at him. His eyes were closed and I could see the strain on his face. "Where's my son?"

"Dad..." I felt the tears drop and onto our hands and I had to cover my mouth to stifle the sob.

"He's right here, Father." I turned to see Logan come standing in front of the door, a stern expression but that couldn't hide the tears that were falling. "He's right next to you."

His hand slowly let go as his eyes began to open. I looked away afraid of what he'd say but I could move. I didn't want to leave him despite my anxiety over his opinion of me. He's my father, and I love him. I always will.

"Roman?" I looked over at him and smiled. His eyes wide and wet with tears. "Is that really you?"

"Yeah. It's really me, Father." I went to move my hand when suddenly he grabbed it and held it tightly to his chest. "Father?"

"Have you done it?" A look of confusion crossed my face and he smiled at me. "Have you followed your dream?"

"I'm not a hero yet, Father. But I will be someday." He shook his head and my heart crashed. Even now he refuses to accept...

"You're already a hero, Roman. To your grandfather... To your brother..." I looked over at Logan and he just stood there covering his mouth with closed eyes. "To me..."

"But... I thought you hated the idea of me being an adventurer?" He shook his head again and squeezed my hand.

"I hated the idea of you being so far away. I hated the idea of losing you. Roman, you're my son..." I watched as his eyes began to close again and my air caught in my throat. "I'll always support you... No matter what."

"Roman, we should go. He needs his rest."

My Knight in Dragon Scalesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें