16. Tense Reunion...

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So this is awkward... I looked around the table to see everyone upset and avoiding eye contact. I sighed and started to fidget with my hands, unsure what to do. Virgil looked down at his plate and sighed, causing me to look over at him with concern. Patton narrowed his eyes and inspected his own food only to sigh as well.

"I'm sure it'll be ok kiddo." I looked between the two and Virgil just shook his head. "You can tell him. I'm sure he wouldn't mind..."

"That's not the issue, Patton." He looked over me with this apologetic smirk. "Hey uh Roman... Do you think that maybe I could get something different." My eyes went wide and I started to freak out.

"Are you allergic, I'm sorry I should have asked. I didn't even think. I..."

"Roman relax!" I stopped as Logan's voice rang through the room. "You're making a big deal over nothing. Just have the chef make him something new and be done with it." Patton looked over at Logan with surprised concern. "Just simply tell the chef what it is your allergic too and that is that. There's no fucking point in causing a damn scene when nothing happened." Logan looked over at his empty cup and slammed his hands down on the table scaring all of us. He sighed, getting up and grabbed his cup. " I'm getting some water. I'll send the chef out."

"Thank you..." He scoffed as he left slamming the door behind him and making us jump again. "...Brother." I sighed a took a sip of my drink, looking up to find Patton's terrified expression. Shit... "Pat.."

"What the heck happened to him?!" He whispered yelled as he looked over towards the kitchen. "He was never like that."

"Yeah, he was..." I said thinking back to when his heart first got broken. His anger was always an issue. That was why he never showed his emotions. He was always terrified of hurting someone, but when he fell in love something changed. He was different. Which of course made it all worse when he lost him.

"No, he wasn't..." Patton said looking at his food. "He was kind and sweet and caring. His smile was pure and his laugh light... What happened?" Virgil started to choke and I looked over to see him drinking from his cup. 

"You..." He looked up at me with wide eyes and Virgil looked away. I just sighed. "I figured it out. It really wasn't that hard."

"Roman, I..." I held my hand up and Patton looked away. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He looked back toward the kitchen and I laughed a little. "You didn't cause that." He looked back over at me and I frowned at the tears that started to fall.

"But you just said."

"You changed that." He gave me this confused look and I saw as Logan froze in the doorway, noticing that Patton was crying. He had this look of horror and guilt that made me cringe. Not again... He started to leave and Patton tensed up seeing him head for the door. "Logan wait!" 

"WHY?! So I can just freak out again and make more people cry." Patton wiped his tears away and looked down at his plate unable to do anything else. 

"Sit down and eat with us." He stood there as I got up and made my way over. "Maybe if you actually spoke to him..."

"DON'T!" He growled and Virgil started to get up. The look in Logan's face could scare away the devil.

"Logan please, calm down." The anger in his face melted as he looked over at Patton, who was smiling apologetically. "None of this is your fault."

"It's all been my fault. And you know it to." He said as he finally opened the door to leave. We all stood there in shock as Logan started to back up. 

"Well, it seems I am late to the party. I hope my son's arent being too difficult."

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