The Foxes of Cascade

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One upon a time I was mINDIN MY OWN DAAAANG BUSINESS when the entire universe exploded in people taking advantage of the new "Selling my items to get gems" update and were standing around literally everywhere screaming about it so i decided to get some peace by teleportin myself to an empty server. That was a mistake, hohoho. I THOUGHT I went over to an empty server, but sadly it wasn't empty. There was one other person, an all black fox with white X eyes sitting sooper ominously in the corner of Jamaa Township. I was about to leave to find an actual empty server, but then they said "Welcome, visitor, to Cascade" I stopped and said "Uhm. Uh, thanks? Where again?" and they said "Cascade. The foxes of Cascade." I said "Um. Okay." I was thinkin' this was a troll or something. They said "Tell me where you want to go." and I said "I want to... Sack some houses" and they said "You can't do that here" and I said "Why not" like an idiot lol i dont even know how I find these things but then they said "Because Cascade isn't real." And I said "So....You're telling me I can't sack houses... Because this place isn't real? Hah, like that would stop me, bring it on, baby. TRY me. SEE if I can sack houses even though this place "isn't real"" and they said "This place is whatever you want. Its all in your head. Its your imagination" and I said "OH, is THAT what we're doing here, eh? Well freak you, I'm going to sack my own house" and then I left. Honestly, I was lowkey kinda worried if they were a hacker or not. But eh, made up for a spooky story, eh? And I doubt this was real, right? Right?

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