I'm a Hacker Now

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Once upon a time, I went to Aldan so I could bet some people, when I saw a pretty rare-looking person who said "GIVEAWAY MY DEN, NO TRUST!!" So I went to make sure it wasn't a scam. After about 30 minutes of ridiculous trials of Jam-a-gramming the host the fastest, dressing the rarest, and typing elaborate messages the fastest, I was the last one standing. Let me tell you, this was no walk in the park. There were over 20 people there, and in some way, the moon, stars, and sun all aligned to give me this kind of luck. I didn't even know what I won! The host buddied me and locked everyone out. I said "What did I win?" and they said "Well, I'm quitting, so I decided to give away my account." I said "Wait, how? Are you gonna send me everything or something?" and they said "Oh, no, I was going to give you my password." The alert side of me said "This is a trick, tell them no, walk away, and forget this" but my slick side told me "Do it" so I said "Oh okay! Wow, this is really nice of you!" and they said "Oh, no problem! You wanna write this down?" and I said "Yep!" and grabbed a stick note and pen. Then, they said (I'm not really going to type their password so I'll just make up something) "My password is BigTroll no spaces." and I said "Got it!" and they said "Okie dokie, then. Well, I guess this is it then. I'll miss this place but hey, you seem nice, and I'm honored to have you as the new owner of this account!" and I said "Thanks! Well, I guess, bye!" and they logged out. This was honestly kind of a sad moment, but I was too excited to see what spikes and headdresses were waiting for me, so I typed in the username and password very carefully, and clicked "Log in" and I got in. This wasn't a troll. It worked! Woo! The first, and obvious thing I did was clicked on their inventory and OH MAMA THERE WERE SPIKES THERE WERE SPIKES OH YES I scrolled down to see a whole bunch of beta goodies and all kinds of crap! But then... I abruptly got logged out from "being gone for too long"... Wat. Since I was still logged in on Tinkaglitch41 on a different tab, I check to see if they logged me out, but surprisingly, they didn't. The game logged me out? Oh well. That was weird. Better log back in. I tried logging back in this time, but... The game said "This password doesn't match our records." ... I think... I was trolled. But not by the person. According to everything that happened, I conclude that AJHQ kicked me out and changed their password. This is seriously the only thing that makes sense.  Oh well. The goodness was right in front of me, I just wasn't quick enough to even nab a spike. How sad.

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