The Scary Story Lock Down

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One time I was incredibly bored, so I, Tinkaglitch41, ran over to where my emo buddy was. She was in a den doing some kind of party? Apparently, this guy was doing this thing when you tell a scary story and he has den items to try to make it come to life. They just got done with a story and it was some member's turn to tell one. This person probably took an entire minute to write the words "The old lady". It wasn't fun by any means, so I decided to write a comment on every word she said. Example: When she said "This is a very scary story" I said "My face is very scary". After 10 minutes of her getting absolutely nowhere, she randomly said to me "HEY!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY STORY, THEN YOU TELL A STORY!!!" So I said "Sure... I guess?" But then I realized I could use it to my advantage, so, I just told my dream of me turning into Ash Ketchum a couple days ago. (Ash Ketchum from Pokemon) Everybody in the den was screaming hate at me, including my emo buddy (Which I actually liked a lot... I guess I lost her to a troll. How un-sad.) The dream was too funny not to tell, but, sadly, the person who owned the den locked me and my buddy out before I could say "Pallet town." My buddy was probably pretty mad at me, so I ran into the den item shop and unbuddied her. Then I went to a new world so she couldn't find me. I actually felt pretty bad after that, but that won't stop me, oh no. Tinkaglitch41 can't stop just because of a meer loss of friends.

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