American Penguin, Stay Away From Me

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That title was a reference to an eighties song, but I doubt anyone remembers the eighties anymore. Ah well. Anyvay, mein German is getting such better, yes, and with zat I shall type.

Once zepon a time, I logged on Animal Jam, only to be greeted with a Jam a Gram from a buddy I haven't seen in a year. And she vas online! Ausgezeichnet! I valked over to her and ve talked for a bit vhile she explored ze new world, Balloosh. (Verid name, yah?) Anyvay, vhile she vas exploring, I happened to notice two penguins practically dressed up like Captain freakin' America (And did I mention zey vere identical?) folloving us ze entire time. I told my buddy, "Did you notice zat zere are 2 penguins folloving us?" Before she could respond, ze penguins both said at ze same time "HOW RUDE!!" Vhat vere zey talking about? I had no understanding of them. Vas I rude? Did I disrespect zeir American vays? Vhat did I do vrong? I did not know, so I told zem "Ah, no need to take it vrong, fellas! I like ze looks you have! Good going, kamerad!" But, instead of getting ze pleasant response, ze penguins must have not liked mein reasoning. One penguin said "YOU ARE A" vhile the other said "LOSER!!!" Mein buddy told me to valk avay, but instead of taking reasonable advice, I said to ze penguins "Danke, pal"and ze penguins said in reply danke for mein hospitality. It all vorked out in ze end, unlike most of mein stories, yah? Me and mein new penguin pals even looked for ze animals in ze journal books together! Trockenfleisch vom Rind!

(Disclaimer: I do not actually speak ze German. I am only... Practicing. Message brought to you by ze Google Translate)

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