My First Fox Hat

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Before you read this epic story of loss, revenge, and destruction of my innocent kindness, note that I was only 9 when this happened and still played on the floor with my Imaginext Batman cave as shown above. AKA, I was really, really dumb back then, and probably still now. Anyway, here we go. A blast from the past to 2012.

Once upon a time, I was doing a newly released adventure at the time called the Return of the Phantoms: Hard Mode. I was excited out of my skin at the time, and I played it over and over and over again. I got some pretty neat items like a necklace, chicken hat, and moon necklace, and I was as happy as I could be. But I decided to go the adventure one more time before I quit out of it. I did the adventure, but then, after all that I did, when I opened the chest, what I saw on my screen was a pirate hat. (Which, at the time, was exceptionally rare.) I immediately went to Jamaa Township and told my buddies all about it. I was a terrible buddy to have. But then, someone offered me a fox hat for it! I accepted and boom, I got my first fox hat. I was a really happy little kid. I wore it everywhere, and put it on trade to see what goodies people would offer for it. But then, randomly, I got a letter. It said "Send me your fox hat and I'll duplicate it for you" Ha! Like I would fall for something like that! ............................................. I fell for it.  I was extremely stupid beyond belief. I sent them it, and they sent me a letter back saying "haha" and I ... cried.................I cried. I sat at my computer and flipping cried for 15 minutes. After I was done surrendering to the emo influences, I sent them a letter back choking back tears saying "Can you please give it back?" and they said "No, thank you for donating." and I cried for another 10 minutes. 

I have to say, I've had this story stored away in my memory for a while, and anytime I think of it, I just have to ask the world "Why". I was stupid. I was...... so, so stupid. Hopefully this story doesn't make you believe I'm an emotional person, and please don't think of me less for sharing this 5 year old memory. Seriously, I just make stick figure comics, raid Doritos, look at Hitler memes, and play Paper Mario.  I am innocent and no longer stupid.

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