we walked into the place, holding hands. the hostess led us to a table that was pretty far away from the others. that just meant more privacy which was better than not. minho sat in the seat beside me. we discussed the menu and let the waiter take our order. now we had time to just talk.

"how much is this place hyung?" i questioned. it was weird going out to such an expensive place. i'd never really been to a restaurant like it before.

"don't worry about it" he answered, not looking up at me.

"hyung come on this seems expensive." i told him, reminding him how much money he was spending on just me.

"just enjoy yourself" he responded, then planted a soft kiss on my cheek. i could feel myself warming up so i rested my head in the crook of his neck. minho wrapped an arm around me to pull me closer if possible. he kissed the top of my head and we stayed that way for a little while.

it really felt like we were a couple. but i didn't want to jump the gun yet. i wanted to wait until minho mentioned something. i didn't wanna seem too in love with him, that way it wouldn't hurt so bad if i were rejected.

the waiter came by, placing our food on our table. minho kissed my forehead once more before we started to eat. i started feeding him spoonfuls of my meal and he would feed me some of his as well. we stayed for nearly two hours, even after the check was paid for just to talk about everything and anything. minho was so easy to talk to when he opened up.

once we decided it was time to go, minho told me he had something else planned for us. he wouldn't tell me where we were going though, so once i saw us pull up in front of a roller rink i had a mini seizure. i never went roller skating before and i wasn't sure now was the time for me to try. what if i bust my ass in front of him? definitely not boyfriend material.

minho paid for everything once again, handing me the pair of skates in my size. i stuck my foot in but my foot kept rolling as i tried tying the laces. minho came over and helped me.

i stood up, stumbling as i tried to walk.

"it's okay, i got you." minho reassured, holding my arm as he led me to the roller rink.

i couldn't skate for the life of me. there weren't many people here since it was late, but i was still scared to skate. minho held onto me as we stayed near the wall. then he tried showing me "basics" so i could learn. he did some kinda moonwalk thingy, bITch how am i supposed to do that when i couldn't even put these shits on?

"i don't know if i can do it hyung" i said, a little embarrassed by my incapabilities. he skated over to me, and lifted my chin up with his finger. he was only inches away. "i'll catch you when you fall." he replied.

lol shit. why is he so fucking irresistible i'm-

"i trust you hyung" i said without thinking twice. he smiled that damn smile at me which made my heart melt and break in a million ways.

"good. come on." he held out his hand and i took it, skating towards him.

we skated hand in hand a few times around the rink and he let go once i started to get comfortable. this is when i realized balance was a thing. i felt myself falling backwards, but before i could hit the ground i felt minho's hand on my lower back. our faces were close again. he always seemed to be saving me from getting hurt. i glanced at his lips, which soon turned into staring. i hoped my face wasn't flushed, even though i̷t̷ ̷p̷r̷o̷b̷a̷b̷l̷y̷ ̷w̷a̷s̷, it most definitely was. he helped me get to my feet quickly.

"you did good" he said cheerfully, covering up the awkwardness. "thanks." i responded, quieter than i should've.

he came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "since i don't want you getting hurt we'll skate like this." he said, his breath on the back of my neck, stimulating all of my senses. i nodded, weak to any suggestion he had. we skated a few more times and i felt even more comfortable now than i had before. i seemed to always be doing well when minho was around. i guess he just has that effect on me.

we got to the point where i was comfortable skating on my own, even though i much rather skate with minho. he came over to me and gave me a hug. when he pulled away, he pecked my lips. the flavor of him had been on my mind all day, and anytime i got a taste, i was sure to savor it. the eyes of people made me a tad self conscious, but minho didn't seem to care. so that meant i didn't care.

it was nearing midnight when we decided to leave. minho told me he had one more surprise and i was dying to know what it was.

once we arrived back at the dorm, minho led me all the way to his room down the hall. he instructed for me to close my eyes and not even think about opening them. he even placed his hand on them to make sure i wasn't peeking. well in all fairness, i probably would've peeked if he hadn't. he counted to three, removing his hands once the countdown was over. i opened my eyes to see a million lights strung along the walls and hanging from the ceiling. his bed had a small soft throw on it and a big tray of chocolate covered fruits. he also prepared a cake and rose petals in the shape of a heart. he even had some microphones on the nightstand beside his bed. i could feel my eyes start to well with tears.

"jisung, are you okay?" minho asked, concern apparent on his face. i nodded, using the backs of my hands to wipe the wet spots. he reached over and handed me a box of tissues on his desk. "y-yes" i replied, trying not to worry him.

"do you like it? it's okay if you d-" he started, but before he even dared to finish the sentence i cut him off. i kissed him gently on the lips, not let him say another word. he wiped away the tears stains on my cheeks. i smiled as i pulled away from him.

"i-i l-love it" i managed to get out.

"okay i was worried you wouldn't. i had been spending time with jeongin to plan this because i wanted it to be perfect" he told me. i clung onto him, making sure to hold him tightly and not let go. i traced little squiggles into his skin, then he cupped my cheeks and made me look up into his eyes. "...can i be your boyfriend, beautiful?" he asked, the entire universe locked in his eyes. i nodded, not sure i'd be able to even get a word out. then i leaned in to kiss him once again. i could feel him smiling, which made me smile too.

for the rest of the night, we did a lot together. we fed each other cake and fruits and battled each other in karaoke, not caring if the other dorms would hate us for being loud so late at night. then came on some slow songs, and along with that came slow dances.

i could feel his heartbeat and i hoped he could hear mine. i wanted him to know that my heart only races like this with him. he was really mine. a couple of months ago, i would've never imagined this is how we'd be. but it was really happening. lee minho was my boyfriend. not boy friend. but my boyfriend. and i couldn't wait to have so many more nights like this, cuddled up against each other after many hours of laughter and happiness. i really loved him a lot. and i'm glad to finally know how much he loved me too.


i'm uwuing,,, but yeahhhhh so minsung are like a thinggggg. tysm for all the love on this story,, we may give you guys a surprise soon ;) -mina

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