1|Regret {edited}

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Hiya everyone, I wrote this BTS fanfiction Dare to dream on March 2019 and finished in June 2019. I had a blast writing this book but I am going to change a few things. I hope you all enjoy if this is your first time reading, if not hope you like the changes. Nearly forgot a lot of swearing throught the book!                                                                     ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I woke up to the sun's glaze and went downstairs to see, as perusal, nobody else was home. I still found it odd I had been living with my parents until a little while ago. My dad insisted I get married, despite my protests. Here I am Mrs Min. I stopped thinking about my pitiful life and started to do the laundry while listening to my morning playlist. After that, I did the dishes, mopped, ironed and folded the clothes. My so-called husband leaves his clothes lying around expecting me to do it. Of course, I give in cause I hate seeing dirty clothes pile up.

'What an amazing way to start the day!' I thought to myself but what can you do just try to live life to the fullest stop thinking about the what-if's and think about the now's. At times like this, I would miss my mom, I would always fight with her about stupid stuff and laugh it off with her later on. Only now do I appreciate how much I loved her company.

I decided to skip breakfast since it was Saturday and I didn't have to go to work. Plus, I am the CEO of my mother's company UNIQUE a fashion, design and modelling company. 

{Liturally the only good thing I got from the marriage a promotion of some sort it was gonna be mine anyways but I'm trying to be positive at the moment.} 

I then took out my sketch pad and switched on the T.V to see if I could find any inspiration for my designs. After hours of sketching, I saw it was nearly noon so I took a shower and changed into a hoodie and some comfy trackies. I put on my slippers and some light make-up and put my hair in a messy bun.


I checked my phone and saw it was my best friend Rose who is one of the main directors as well as Jennie and my cousin Lisa. I have known Rose longer than I've been able to walk. Who else can I trust if not her?

"Hey Y/n, how are you? I miss you." She said in a little voice as if she had just woken up an decided to call me.

I laughed through the phone at how cute she was. "Rose remember I was with you until midnight, cause we were working on a project."

She laughed and said, "Oh yeah. I forgot." Course she did, but we've been doing a lot of work lately.

"I've made a few sketches if you're free then can you help me review them?" I asked her hopefully.

"Y/n! Your whole life is revolved around your work you should try to have fun and go places with your husband." As she said 'Husband' her voice got quieter but all the same, I could feel her concern.

I thought about what most girls dream of, that their wedding day will be the best day of their lives that their friends and family will all gather to see them become one with their other half. I remember walking up that aisle with tears in my eyes it must have seemed like tears of joy or happiness but that wasn't it. I was crying in upset, betrayal, heartbreak and...


Just as I was checking my messages from my college mates who couldn't attend my big day I was sent a picture of my ex-boyfriend who broke up with me a week before my wedding cheating on me with a blond girl it said: "Remember the way Tae would bail on you all the time because he was busy with work, well we got really busy." I was mad and confused. I was every emotion except happy!

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