Chapter 15

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A/N- Hi! Okay, this chapter ended up being MUCH longer than I planned, so the next one will still be Christmas as well. That will be where most of the action is :). Also, sorry the format is a little different. Hope you like this!

Word count: 3819 (omg)

Y/n POV:

The next day at the Burrow, I walked past the kitchen to see Harry and Ron peeling sprouts over the kitchen sink. They were talking heatedly with their voices lowered. I figured there was no need to make my presence known, and I ducked around the corner to listen in on their conversation.

"Yes, Snape was offering to help him!" Harry's voice exclaimed. "He said he'd promised Malfoy's mother to protect him, that he'd made an Unbreakable Oath or something—"

"An Unbreakable Vow?" Ron interjected, his tone reading utter disbelief. "Nah, he can't have... Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Harry said indignantly. "Why, what does it mean?"

"Well, you can't break an Unbreakable Vow..." Ron started. I could practically feel Harry rolling his eyes in response to Ron's vague answer.

"I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough. What happens if you break it, then?" Harry sassed.

"You die," Ron replied simply. "Fred and George tried to get me to make one when I was about five. I nearly did too, I was holding hands with Fred and everything when Dad found us. He went mental," Ron explained. He seemed to be relishing the memory despite it having been a danger to his life. "Only time I've ever seen Dad as angry as Mum, Fred reckons his left buttock has never been the same since."

"Yeah, well, passing over Fred's left buttock—"

"I beg your pardon?" said Fred's voice as he and his brother George entered the kitchen, thankfully from the opposite side of the hallway as my hiding spot. I stood there for a moment, thinking over what I had just heard. Not the part about Fred's buttock, although it was a rather amusing piece of information. They had been talking about Draco. Snape made an Unbreakable Vow to protect him. Protect him from what? And why had Harry been eavesdropping on the two in the first place? I found myself getting upset. Why would he do that? Draco had done nothing wrong, but Harry still believed he wasn't to be trusted. I couldn't help but be peeved with him once again. For a moment, I debated stepping into the kitchen to confront him, but I figured it would be better to let him figure it out on his own. I decided I would wait until he came to me with what he said to Ronald, or I would talk to him about what he thought of my relationship with Draco, and that would no doubt lead into what he claims happened between Draco and our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Christmas was in barely two days, and I'd rather not discuss such a tender topic at the time.


Over the course of the holiday, I spent more time with Ginny, Fred, and George than I usually did. I simply ignored Harry most of the time, and I stayed away from Ronald for Hermione's sake. On Christmas Eve, I had helped Ginny decorate the living area with paper-chains and many other pretty holiday trinkets she had either made or found in the attic with the family ghoul. One thing that wasn't quite as pretty was the petrified gnome we had replaced the angle with at the top of the tree. I didn't approve at first, but I found out the ugly thing had bitten Fred in the garden, so I wasn't as opposed to covering it with bright paint and a miniature tutu. I lounged on a couch next to Ginny and the twins, who had started a game of Exploding Snap while Harry was on the far side of the room, talking quietly with Mr. Weasley, but I didn't really care what they were talking about. If it was about Draco, I could hardly get more upset with him at this point, and he would probably be saying the same thing he had said to Ronald. He wasn't that creative. However, Remus had tuned into their conversation, so I figured it might be worth a listen. Remus is my godfather after all, so I cared to hear his opinion. As I had assumed, Harry had been explaining what he'd heard between Snape and Draco. I did everything in my power not to roll my eyes or make a snarky comment.

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