The first present I grabbed was from Hermione, and judging by the weight, it had to be a book. I found my suspicions were correct when I opened it to see the sleek cover of Harmless Hexes. I nearly laughed out loud at the topic. She knew how I loved to prank people, and while she didn't approve, she always wanted me to be happy despite finding my joy in the misfortune of others. Next, I pulled out my homemade sweater from Mrs. Weasley. It was green with a black letter S on the front for Slytherin. She was never fond of Slytherins, as most Gryffindors are, but she made me feel loved and welcome no matter my house. Another smile tugged at the corner of my lips when I puled the slightly itchy fabric over my head. There was also a Holyhead Harpies poster from Ron, a new finger nail paint set from Ginny, who I thanked in person, a book of poems from Fred, a magic deck of cards from George, and a giant box of Belgian chocolates from Remus. I put all of those aside on my bed before looking down to see two last presents, both in small, velvet covered boxes; one black, one white. I picked up the black one and opened it to have a tiny slip of paper fall out. Before I went to read it however, I was distracted by the glittering of a gorgeous necklace that sat in the box in my hand. It had real diamonds and emeralds in a beautiful pattern along the whole thing with impossibly thin lines of silver weaved in between the jewels. I must have gasped pretty loudly because Ginny looked up at me in confusion.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" she asked, standing to walk over. I didn't answer, but I didn't need to, for she had already seen what I was holding from over my shoulder. "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed. "Who gave you that?" Still in awe of the necklace, it took me a moment to reply.

"Uh-Uh, I don't know. Let me look at the note." Looking down at the small sheet that had fallen out of the box moments ago, I grinned from ear to ear at the sight of the familiar slanted writing.

Dearest Y/n,
I couldn't help but think of you when I saw this in the store one day. Though even this could never top your beauty, I hope you like it as much I like you.
With love, Draco.

I squealed with delight, and fell back on my bed after reading the note. 'With love' he had said! I knew I was blushing profusely, but for the moment, I didn't care. I thought about the gift that I had gotten him (a book on being a Seeker and famous Seekers), and how that hardly compares to the beautiful and undoubtedly expensive present he had granted me. Ginny snatched the paper from my hand, and I watched her bright blue eyes widen with every word she read. Then her face broke out into a huge grin, and she squealed too. For a moment, we just sat there, talking rapidly about the note and the wonderful gift. I asked for her help putting it on, and she immediately obliged. She continued to talk as she went back to her presents.

"Oh, he definitely fancies you. What is it like having a rich boyfriend, Y/n?" she teased. I threw one of my pillows at her, mumbling an almost inaudible 'shut up' before I looked at the last present. It was a little white velvet box, a bit smaller the one that Draco had given me, but seemed like it would hold jewellery as well. I was correct, for when I opened the box, a small charm bracelet glittered in the sunlight in front of my eyes. It was silver with a few red and gold charms in the front. It didn't look too expensive, but it was still absolutely beautiful. Yet again, a small note was there, this time taped to the inside of the box.

I've been a bit of an arse lately, and I'm very sorry. I hope you like this and know that I love you no matter what.
Best wishes, your brother.

I smiled at the paper, nearly in tears from the amount of emotions rushing through my body. We may fight and be rather different in many ways, but we're still family. We don't say 'I love you' very often either, but he's practically the only family I've got left, and I really do care about him even if he gets on my every last nerve. Ginny seemed to notice the tears welling up in my eyes because she came over and took the sheet of paper out of my hand again. This time, she just smiled, and gave me a hug. I slipped the chain onto my wrist quickly, then went downstairs to see everyone else sporting new clothes, jewellery, and playing with toys. I scanned the room for my brothers untidy black hair, and I wasn't disappointed to see him standing with Ron a few feet away. I walked up to him and gave him the biggest hug I could manage.

The Girl Who Lived ☆ D. MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now