Adventure #13: Part 1: Beach Party, Em's Mystery Guy, and Charlie's 'Ex'

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Here ya go! I hope you like this and enjoy!


"I really hope you hear me out and don't leave without an explanation.

- Sincerely, Your Mystery Guy"

Part 1: Beach Party, Em's Mystery Guy, and Charlie's 'Ex'

"Charlie I'm not going." I said for the billionth time.

"Just for a bit." He said. "Please!"

"Nope. I don't feel like going out tonight and I'm not changing." I said ignoring him and trying to read.

"What wrong with what you're wearing?" He asked. "You look fine and we don't have to stay long. Come on. Emilie is going!"

I sighed and placed my bookmark in my book and set it off to the side. I looked at Charlie. "Emilie is going because she's meeting up with her mystery guy. She has a good reason to attend that beach party but I don't." I said. "You can go if you want Charlie. I'm not saying you can't so why don't you let me read and go."

Charlie pouted. "But I want to go with you!" He protested.

"You are worst than a five year old." I said pinching his left cheek.

Charlie stood up from next to my bed where he had been kneeling and laid next to me. "Please Lollipop?" He asked.

"I hate you." I said.

He smiled. "You say that a lot but the fact that you're still my girlfriend contradicts it every time." He said. "I promise it'll be fun and we won't stay long. I just want you to meet a couple of my friends and then we can come home and do whatever you want."

"I still hate you." I said.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and a second later Dexter walked in.

"Okay I've been thinking about this a lot." He said pacing next to my bed. "Lolly you know you'll always be my sister and our parents will always be my parents. But I think maybe it'll be good for me to talk to my birth parents. I don't exactly like them very much but it'll feel like closure. I don't know! I really don't know what to do!"

"Yesterday you said you weren't going to call them back." Charlie said.

"Then the day before that you said you were." I said.

"And the day before that you said you weren't." Charlie said.

"You pretty much change your mind every day so make up your mind." I said.

"I can't!" Dexter exclaimed. "I feel like I should just because I've always wanted to know how my birth parents were. But then I feel like I shouldn't because it feels like I'm betraying our parents."

"Mom and Dad said it was your decision and they would stand by whatever you chose. They won't mind if you meet them Dexter. They want you too be happy." I said.

"I am happy." He said and let out a deep breathe. "I'm happy having you as my younger sister and Bobby as my older brother and Ronny as my kid sister. I'm happy with the parents that I have now. The parents who raised me and gave me love and treated me like their own child and supported me to fulfill my dreams. I'm happy with my crazy family who are the reason I'm who I am right now." He smiled. "Okay. I'm not going to meet them. At least maybe not now."

"Is this your final decision or are you going to barge into Lolly's room again in a few minutes?" Charlie asked.

"This is my final decision." Dexter said.

"I'm leaving!" Emilie yelled as she ran down the hallway past my room. Less than a minute later we heard the front door slam shut.

"Where did she run off too in such a hurry?" Dexter asked laughing.

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