Adventure #1: Part 2: Lolly The Vampire Slayer

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No offense to people who like Twilight.


Part 2: Lolly The Vampire Slayer

"I'm home!" I yelled once I walked through my house door. I peeked into the living room and saw it empty and clean. "Hello!" I yelled out waiting for someone to answer back, but no one did.

I guess mom probably went grocery shopping and took Ronny with with her. Dex and dad were in L.A. since three days ago doing something they refused to say which made me think they're spies or something. Lastly Bobby is probably still locked in his room doing vampire stuff. What do vampires do in their spare time?

I took out my phone and checked it for any missed calls from my mom saying she had gone out or a text. Every since she learned how to properly send messages she's been on a texting rampage. Dad had to get her unlimited texting because she's a bit to addicted to texting now instead of calling, my mom is weird. Anyways I didn't find anything which was a bit strange since she always told me. Oh well, maybe she's finally getting over her obsession with texting!

I walked upstairs thinking about the Grape lover guy who also happened to be Lindsay's cousin. I can't believe I had betrayed my people the Anti-Grape people and Anti-Lindsay people, they all counted on me and I let them down! Yes there is actually a group of people called that. We have group meetings whenever we can and us Anti-Grape people eat anything that isn't grape flavoured. Anti-Lindsay people is a whole other story, about everyone who knows Lindsay hates her and the only person that doesn't is her best friend Trini not even her boyfriend can deal with her bitchiness and evilness. She's like worse than any evil villain ever known!

She once humiliated a new girl in front of the whole school because the girl accidentally talked to her boyfriend. Nobody talks to her boyfriend without her being there or be given permission, which is why I always talk to him during class. I hate her and love to annoy her. She knew better than to try and humiliate me, if I want to I can have pictures of little Lindsay at art camp when we were four put in every magazine in the world. I have power! nah just kidding I just have friends all over the world who can help.

Not many people in this town know Dex is famous because he dresses more normal and looks different when he's here. It's like his secret place which the press for some reason still haven't found. If Lindsay knew who my brother was oh she would change her attitude towards me. She is only nice to the people who she can use to get to the top, she's been trying to be a famous model since she's fourteen but hasn't gotten very far.

I walked into my room and threw my bag on my bed. I need to clean this place up before my mom sees it. There were clothes everywhere and shoes too, I had a stack of books next to my bed well more like seven stacks of books. I just love reading and I was trying to chose my favourite books and I just ended up choosing them all in the end. You can't just ask some what their favorite BOOK is! There can't be only ONE! Geez people think!

"Lolly!" I heard Mom call from downstairs. I thought she wasn't home and I hadn't heard the door be opened. Maybe my family are spies, very sneaky spies. "Lolly are you home?"

"Yes mom!" I yelled back and waited for a response.

"Can you come downstairs?!" She asked and I walked again out of my room and down the stairs.

"Where are you?" I called as I walked down the stairs.

"In the living room, Lolly." Mom said and I walked into the living room.

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