Adventure #8: Part 3: How To Get A Celebrity Too...

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Here's an update for you all since you've all been amazing in the past two weeks with commenting and voting!

Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment if you like. It really motivates me to write knowing people actually like the rubbish I post on here.




Part 3: How To Get A Celebrity Too Get You Out Of Jail For Dummies!

So now you know why and who made us get cuffed to a bench in the police station meanwhile they tried getting Dexter on the phone and telling him three crazy fangirls broke into his house. Well we got cuffed because Iris kept trying to make a run for it and Em wouldn't stop flirting with the police officer. I guess that wasn't that obsessed thirteen year olds' fault.

"Why are you covered in dog poop?" I asked Iris.

"I slipped on it when I ran." She said sadly. "Eww! I smell horrible!" She looked like she wanted to start crying again.

"I want my phone call!" Emilie yelled for like the billionth time.

The grumpy police officer named Dick told Iris she could call someone first. She said she would try Dexter since he was probably the only one who could get us out of this mess. A few minutes later Dick brought her back and she told us Dexter hadn't answered.

"You go next." Dick said pointing at me. He took the cuff off the bench and guided me a few feet away to a desk with a phone. "One phone call. Make it good because you don't get another." He said glaring at me and cuffing me to the desk. He walked away to probably tell Emilie to shut up.

I sighed and decided on calling the one person I knew could and would help us. Luckily I had memorised this cell phone number really quickly. It rang for a few seconds and I thought nobody was going to answer until someone did.


I didn't even let Marie finish her hello before telling her where I was and what happened. Well I told her I was at the police station because they thought I was breaking into my house. I didn't tell her my brother was Dexter or that I knew Charlie. She said she would be here in a few minutes with her dad who was a lawyer. Yes, I've got people who've got people.

"Thank you so much Marie!" I said.

"No problem! See ya in a bit!" She said and hung up.

Dick told the young police officer, who Em had been flirting with, to take me back to the bench. Dick was busy arguing with Emilie to do it himself.

This police officer was the opposite of Dick. He was really young, like not much older than me young, and he was actually nice.

"He gets cranky when obsessed fans try breaking into celebrities homes." He told me as he walked me back to the bench.

"Yeah well soon he'll get a call that will prove I'm not a obsessed fangirl. Plus my people are on their way now." I said making him chuckled.

"You've got people?" He asked as he cuffed me back on the bench.

"Yup. Scary people who will get us out of here." I said smiling.

"Good luck with that Pinky." He said and walked away.

My mouth hanged open. "You did not just call me Pinky!" I yelled and he turned and laughed as he sent me a wave. "You shall pay!" I said but laughed.

I looked at Iris, who was extremely quiet now, and noticed Em was gone. "She went to make her call." Iris said sighing. "You were right Lolly. Climbing through the window was a bad idea. But in my defense that neighbour of yours really hates you."

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