Adventure #2: Part 2: Anti-Grape Group

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Not as good of a chapter as the first ones but hey I'm just getting back into the habit of writing Lolly's Adventures again!

Last part coming soon!

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Part 2: Anti-Grape Group

"Here." I threw Emilie a pair of shorts and tank top she could change too. She caught then and walked into my bathroom to change. I quickly changed into some bright red shorts and a white loose top then check my cell phone for any missed calls or messages.

A few of my friends who had gone on vacation or were in summer camp had called and texted. They all seemed to be having fun and enjoying their summer. I laid in my bed waiting for Emilie to get out of my bathroom.

Emilie still has to tell me why she was dressed like that. Where she had gotten those clothes. Where she had been all night. Which reminds me, I still have to make sure Emilie isn't a vampire.

Emile walked out of my bathroom dressed in my clothes and walked over. "I guess now you want to know what I was up to all night?" She asked taking a seat on my bed next to me.

"Yeah." I said and she smiled.

"Well lets just say I met some people and ended up at a club. I might have had something to drink....and gotten drunk." Emilie admitted sheepishly. "Also I might have ended up going to some kind of costume party afterwards....gotten more drunk. Lastly I might have made out with some guy...." Emilie turned bright pink.

I burst out laughing. "Oh my Zeus!" I yelled as I laughed. "I can't believe....I just....this is way to funny!" I was then pushed off the bed and hit the hard floor.

"It's not funny Lolly!" Emile exclaimed throwing a pillow down at me looking rather worried. "I don't even know who it was that I kissed! What if it's someone that knows me?! If my parents find out what I was doing all night and that I got drunk they will kill me." She ran a hand down her face and as I stood up I saw her cover her face with one of my pillows.

"Stop worrying Emilie, I'm sure the guy was completely drunk too and doesn't even remember how you looked." I said trying not to laugh. It was one thing that Emilie was more outgoing that me and girly, but she wasn't going out to party all the time or getting drunk.

"Did I just hear that Emilie snogged some guy meanwhile she was drunk?" Bobby asked as he walked into my room, without even asking.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, making room for my brother on the bed. "She had a pretty wild night."

"Aww little Emilie is turning into a party girl." Bobby teased and Emilie glared at him.

"Just because I did it once doesn't mean I'm doing it again." She said and Bobby laughed.

"That's what they all say."

"Before you two start arguing can we talk about the real problem here." I said rather seriously because it was a serious matter.

"Which is....?" Bobby asked confused and Emilie looked the same.

I rolled my eyes and stood up pacing back and forth in front of them. "Grape lover dude staying here! We need to find a way to get rid of him." I said meanwhile trying to think of a plan.

"True. Very true Lolly." Bobby said.

"How about we get the whole anti-grape group over here and we force Charlie into turning into one of us?" Emilie asked and took out her phone showing us a text from one of the members.

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