Adventure #6: Part 1: Chicken Quesadillas, Charlie The Fangirl, and Pool Fun

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Are you proud?

Well you should be because tomorrow (Sunday) I will be updating again! I already finished the next part. *does super happy dance with a Hawaiian skirt*

Anyways it's rare I update every weekend so you should be proud this weekend. I updated Friday, today (Saturday), and I'm updating tomorrow a.k.a. Sunday. The next part ends in a kind of cliffhanger so lets make a deal.

If the part before this one, this part, and the next part get more comments than usual and more votes than usual I'll post during the week as well. Believe me you will want me too.



Part 1: Chicken Quesadillas, Charlie The Fangirl, Pool Fun

"You're brother's still hitting on girls?" Marie asked me as she put a plate of chicken quesadillas in front of me.

"Yep." I said then started eating the delicious quesadillas I was having for breakfast.

"Why are you up so early today?" Marie asked me as she watched Bobby get rejected over and over.

"Bobby and I are going to pick up my friend Emilie from the airport. She's coming to stay here with us for awhile and try and find her true self in the next couple of weeks." I said. "These quesadillas are fricken delicious. Honestly I'm thinking of kidnapping you and making you be my personal cook. No one can cook to save their life at the house and the guys always order junk food or eat microwaveable food."

Marie laughed and leaned again the counter. "I'm guessing you can't cook either?" She asked.

"I can." I defended. "I'm just to lazy to and if I cook I would have to cook for everyone. Feeding three guys until they're full is not easy."

She nodded agreeing. "So have you heard the rumours around here?" She asked as I took a bit out of my quesadilla. "Apparently Dexter Harris and his best friend Charlie Hailwood are staying in a house around here. People have seen Dexter around the shops

around here and Charlie at the beach. There are also rumours that there's a girl and a guy staying with them. The girl is rumoured to be dating either Dexter or Charlie."

Quo me chocking on my delicious quesadilla. I took a drink of my soda.

"Are you okay?" Marie asked worried.

"Yeah." I said giving her a smile. "Fine."

"You scared me for a second there." She said. "So what do you think of the rumours?"

"I don't know...I'm not really into celebrity news and that kind of stuff." I said.

"Lolly it's time to go." Bobby said as he ran over. "Hey Marie."

"Bobby." She said then excused herself and went to take some orders.

I had introduced Bobby to Marie a couple days ago when he had asked me who was the blonde I always talked to when at the restaurant. They'd gotten along pretty well.

"Lets go?" He asked.

"Lets go." I said taking my quesadillas and following Bobby back to the house.

When we entered the backyard we found Cynthia and Dexter making out in the pool. Suddenly these quesadillas aren't looking so good.

"I think I'm going to barf." Bobby said gagging and I sacrificed one of my quesadillas triangles and threw it at him. He caught it thought and ate it. "Thanks."

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