Adventures #12: Part 3: Interview, Hollywood's New It Couple, and Phone Call

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I actually update on time! Yay! Anyways a short author's note here. I was thinking of making this story at least 20 adventures but I honestly think there isn't much to say here anymore so I can assure you there are less than seven more adventures left. I've enjoyed writing this for the last couple of months.

But just because this story is ending doesn't mean it's the end of Lolly's adventures and her friends. There's still a lot of adventures left. more info when this story ends.


"It's not my fault I'm a fanboy and the feels can't be controlled. I was born this way!"

- Xander

Part 3: Interview, Hollywood's New It Couple, and Phone Call


"What exactly am I suppose to say?" I asked Dexter as a man, who our dad had hired to drive us to the studio, drove.

"I know this lady okay and she's nice and easy going. She'll probably only ask some simple questions and once we've cleared up that the three of us are siblings everything will be fine. Just relax and pretend like you're talking to one of dad's friends." Dexter said.

"I can't do this." Bobby said turning even paler than he already was.

"Your job is easy compared to mine." I said.

"It's live TV!" Bobby said.

"You won't have to talk much if you don't want to. It'll be a really short interview since Dad managed to fit us in last minute. The most it'll last is fifteen minutes and I don't even think it'll last that long." Dexter said.

"Iris, Ethan, Xan, and Emilie will be sitting in the audience." Charlie said. "Just pretend it's only them there."

I looked out the closed tinted window and saw fans of Dex's and Charlie's standing outside wanting to get a glimpse of their idols.

The driver pulled up in front and there were security guards making people stay behind the ropes they had put up. Dexter opened the door and got out first followed by me. Charlie stepped out after me then Bobby. Emilie, Xander, Iris, and Ethan had gotten here about ten minutes ago and were already sitting in the audience. They were in the front row according to Em.

We made it inside and Dexter seemed to know where he was going so the three of us followed him. After about a minute or two we arrived at a show studio. I saw my friends, cousin, and Charlie's brother sitting in the front row like Em had told me.

"Hello Dexter!" A lady in a nice dress said giving Dex a hug. She smiled at the rest of us.

"Everyone this is Elizabeth and she'll be interviewing us today." Dexter said. "Elizabeth this is Lolly, Bobby, and Charlie."

There was a loud bell.

"We better go take a seat before the minute is up and start airing live." Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth went and sat on the couch meanwhile Dex, Bobby, Charlie, and I hurried backstage and stood behind the closed doors that would open when Elizabeth introduced us.

Not even a minute later we heard Elizabeth mention Dexter was here along with a few friends. The doors slid open and I looked at Bobby who was taking deep breathes and forcing a smile. If he passes out I'm going to pass out. Charlie grabbed my hand reassuringly and the four of us smiled as we walked towards the big couch where we would be sitting during the interview.

Dexter sat closest to Elizabeth and then Charlie on his right. I sat next to Charlie and then Bobby took a seat next to me shaking nervously. The poor guy was really afraid of being on live TV.

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