Adventure #11: Part 2: Secret Date, Threatened, and Walk In The Beach

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kay guys this is like super long so you better show me some love and comment and vote. *sassy hand gestures*

Anyways in all seriousness I hope you like this and comment. Took me awhile to write because I wanted it to turn out perfect because Cholly is my OTP. Enjoy!


Part 1: Secret Date, Attack Of The Fangirls, and Walk In The Beach

"Good morning Lol-" Bobby stopped mid-sentence as I walked into the kitchen and he looked at my just dyed hair. It was brown from the roots and got lighter and lighter until it got blonde at the bottom or as people call it ombré hair. "You...dyed your hair." He said surprised and placing his bowl of cereal in the counter.

"Yup!" I said as I grabbed an apple. "Jen and Emilie did it for me. I was getting a tad bored of my pink hair. Do you not like it?"

"I was just surprised but it looks nice." He said.

"We did a good job." Jen said as she and Emilie walked into the kitchen.

"You're blonde." Bobby said staring at Emilie's hair.

"Indeed I am!" Em said walking over to the fridge and taking out a Naked bottle. She sat on top of the counter and smiled.

"Why the big change?" He asked. "I mean I understand Lolly dyeing her hair since she didn't want it pink in the first place but you..." He continued to stare at her. "You've had bright colored hair since you were twelve. I haven't seen you dye your hair a normal color like brown or blonde before."

"It's a new me." Em said. "I finished high school and for the last few weeks I've felt like there's something missing. I finally figured out what. I needed to say goodbye to high school me and I found the perfect way to do it."

"Why are you two blonde now?" Dexter asked Em and I.

"I'm not blonde you idiot." I said.

"Okay...why are you blonde?" He pointed at Emilie. "And why are you not a pink haired fairy?"

"I knew that's what you called me behind my back!" I yelled. "I decided to dye my hair and Jen and Em helped me. I like it much better this way."

"I'm letting go of high school me and saying hello to college me." Emilie said not bothering to fully explain.

The five of us sat down around the counter for breakfast and talked. It has been almost a week since my sort of meltdown and Jen has been staying over ever since. I don't know how to explain it but we somehow bonded over our separate experiences and everyone has been pretty confused to our sudden friendship. Emilie is the only one who knows what happened and I made her and Jen swear not to tell anyone about me crying over the hate.

Dexter would get furious and probably do something stupid and Bobby will want me to go back home. They never knew how to deal with me when I got really depressed and didn't want to talk to anyone. That doesn't mean they just want to get rid of me but that they are worried and think I need to be away from the paps. Dexter always made it pretty clear that if the paps bothered me in any sort of way or people sent me hate and it got to me that he wouldn't expose me to his celebrity life that much and keep me away. He doesn't want people using me to get to him and doesn't want people hating on me for being his sister. He's always said his family is more important than his career and has made it pretty clear throughout the years.

When Bobby and I went through something two years ago he dropped everything and went back home. He stayed for seven months and didn't leave our sides or stopped trying to make us be ourselves again. When we finally got better and past what happened we had to threaten to drag him back to L.A. if he didn't go and continue with his career.

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