Adventure #4: Part 3: All The Ladies Love Bobby!

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So here's the last part for this adventure! I hope you like it and leave a comment please telling me what you thought. Also vote if you likey likey!


Enjoy this Lollylific adventure!

Part 3: All The Ladies Love Bobby!

"We're finally here!" Bobby exclaimed as he hurried out of the car. He went on his knees and kissed the cement sidewalk which made me gag in disgust because honestly a dog could have pissed in the spot he was kissing.

"Thank the gods." I said as I got out. "I'm never going on a road trip with you ever again."

Dexter rolled his eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you that I am sorry for the tire popping and having to walk to town?" He asked.

"I have calluses on my feet because we had to walk for over an hour!" I said.

"Can we go inside already?" Bobby asked impatiently.

Dexter grumbled something under his breathe but walked toward the front door of the house. I looked at the surrounding houses and saw it was a nice looking neighborhood. The houses looked nice and expensive which most likely meant most of the people living here are wealthy. I saw a girl, not much older than me, looking out the window next door. She wasn't looking at us but at the old van we can arrived in.

"Come on Lolly." Charlie said already walking towards the open front door.

I followed him and walked into the house after him. If the outside looked big imagine the inside. There was a staircase going up and the walls were white. The house must've already came with the furniture because everything was in it's place. Bobby was running to the backyard because he said he needed to jump into the pool after the last few hours of being in the road and not stopping only twice.

"Do you like the place?" Charlie asked as he followed me upstairs.

"It looks huge and everything looks nice." I said.

"Dexter has our room ready for us." Charlie said as we saw a post it on four doors. I walked to the door with the post it with my name and opened the door wanting to see how my room looked.

I walked in and immediately smiled when I saw Dexter got my room perfect. The walls were creme painted and there was a big bed, a flat screen TV, a small fridge next to my bed, there was a small section of my room where there was an actually candy machine. I just had to click a lever and candy would come out! There were bean bags and all the furniture was so colorful and best of all there were bookshelves on my walls and some of my favorite books were already there. How he managed to perfect my room I have no idea but I am in love with it.

"Wow." Charlie said stepping into my room. "This place looks amazing."

"Lolly!" I heard Bobby running up the stairs. Both Charlie and I stepped out of my room and saw Bobby run toward us.

"Bobby you're leaving a trail of water!" I said pointing to the mess he'd made. "Someone could slip."

"Lolly lets go to the beach!" Bobby said grabbing me by the arm and pulling me along.

"Bobby did you eat to much sweets again? You're acting really strange and energetic." I said as we reached the bottom of the stairs and he pulled me to the backyard. "Umm...Bobby this isn't the beach."

Bobby dragged me across the huge backyard and I saw there was a door. Bobby opened it and pulled me through it.

"The beach!" Bobby yelled as we looked at families and friend spending the hot day at the beach. "The beach is right next to the house. Isn't this amazing?"

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