Adventure #5: Part 3: Early Morning Phone Conversations

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Hey people who seem to like this story and have gotten this far. I just want to thank those who have commented and voted on previous chapter. I even want to thank the silent readers who don't comment and vote.




Part 3: Early Morning Phone Conversations

I groaned as I heard my cell phone ringing and vibrating on my bedside table. I kept my face under my pillow and moved my hand around the table looking for it. I finally found it and pressed answer and put it against my ear under the pillow.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice coming out tired. "This is who? I mean is who this?"

"Sorry Lolly!" I heard Emilie'a familiar voice say. "I forgot about the time difference between New York and Los Angeles. I'll let you sleep and call you later when you're awake and well rested."

"No, it's fine." I said throwing the pillow off my head and looking at my tv that was still on. "What's wrong? Something must be up if you're calling so early." I said when I saw it was 3:57 in the morning here.

"I don't want to bot-"

I interrupted Emilie. "Em when have I ever said you wanting to talk to me about your problems bothers me?" I asked as I looked through Netflix.

"Never..." She sighed.

"Okay so now tell mama Lolly you're problema niña." I said.

"Nick and I kind of...broke up." She said sadly.

"When?" I asked.

"Three days ago." She said. "Well it wasn't official until a few hours ago when I basically screamed it at him. I think I might've overreacted a bit..."

"Explain to me everything that has happened." I said and for the next hour Emilie explained to me how imperfect Nick and her were for each other. It was just the truth.

Emilie has been in love with the fact of finding a nice guy who she will date and settle down with. Her parents put it through her head that if she's going to date a guy he has to be perfect. He also has to be marrying material and they have to approve of him. They've basically made her believe once she's dating the guy she's married to him so all the guys she's dated have been nice, goody two shoes, smart, guys she thinks she could marry one day.

But that's not the type of guy she wants. Oh dear no! Emilie might not say this to her parents because of the fact they'll probably kill her but she wants adventure. Emilie and I are alike in many ways. We didn't just become best friends for no god dam reason! I saw something in Emilie since the first time we met, I saw her trying to make her parents proud but not being happy. She's always wanted to make her parents happy and that has caused her to be unhappy because her and I are looking for the same things in our life's.

We both want adventure and to travel and see the world not being restraint. We want to have a wild forbidden relationship that people will be surprised at and some may even disapprove off. We want danger and to go to the extremes and just be ourselves. We just want to be happy and so far only I am living my life how I want to not how my parents want to.

"I thought I liked him." Emilie said as my clock neared six in the morning. "I really did think he was the one and my parents even thought so too. They found out about him the next day you left town. I thought they would be mad but instead they were happy and that...that caused me to realise I didn't like him. I thought I did, but I didn't." She sighed. "I was just trying to make my parents happy again. My parents made us take this trip to New York together and I just snapped and told him we couldn't be together because I didn't like him."

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