Adventure #1: Part 1: Lolly Smoothie

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No offense to people who like grape lollipops!


Part 1: Lolly Smoothie!

"Don't move." I said as I sucked on my lollipop and looked over the shoulder of my best friend Emilie. She froze and her eyes widened.

"Why?" She asked confused yet scared.

"Nicholas Berge is standing a few feet away totally checking you out." I said looking at her face. Her cheeks turned a bright pink and she looked over her shoulder.

I continued sucking on my lollipop as Nick waved shyly at Em and she gave him a small smile before turning back to face me. "Lolly how do I look?!" Em asked smoothing down her dark violet dyed hair.

"You look fine." I assured her then saw Nicholas walking over. "He's coming over."

Em's big bright blue eyes widened and she looked ready to panic. Em was the boy crazy one of the two of us. I was just crazy. I've never had a boyfriend except in third grade when Michael Conet gave me a lollipop and told me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I agreed because hey he gave me a lollipop. But then broke up with him a minute later because the lollipop was grape. I HATE grape lollipops!

"Hey Lolly!" Nicholas greeted when he reached us standing under a tree in the shade.

"Hey Nick." I said taking the lollipop out of my mouth to speak. "How you been? I heard you learned how to fly."

Nick laughed used to my weirdness. "I learned how to fly a plane." He explained to me. "Hey Em." He turned to my best friend who gave him a smile

"Hey Nick!" Em said more cheerful than a cheerleader.

"I heard your older sister Diana got a job as a fashion designer in London. Congratulations!" Nick told her.

"Thanks! She's really happy and said she was going to buy me tickets so I could go visit her in a few weeks-" Em and Nick continued talking and flirting.

I stood there bored and after finishing my lollipop I picked up my bag and put in on my shoulder and walked away. Em and I had been at the park since an hour ago just hanging out. School had ended a week ago and we were already bored out of our freaking minds.

Now that Em and Nick were going to spend the whole day flirting I need something to do. I walked through the town looking for somewhere I could just hang out for awhile. If I go home now my mom's going to be like 'Lolly Rainbow Harris you shouldn't be home all day. Go out, hang out with your friends, do something!' and I'll probably be like 'Mom, Em is to busy flirting with Nick and my other friends went to camp to hook up with people for the next five weeks. Why don't you go bug Bobby who's locked in his room living in a pigsty. I think he even has pet pigs because last night I heard some weird noises, either that or he was doing some pretty naughty things.' and then mom would go scold Bobby for doing it with me in the house.

Then Ronny my five year old sister would walk by dressed as a cat. Yes a CAT. For some strange reason she thinks she's a cat and runs after her pet dog named Cat. I told mom to get her a cat or just leave her in the pet store so she can spend the rest of her life as someone's cat. Mom just laughed and said I was funny just like dad and bought her a dog. Then there's my dad who is my twenty year old brother's manager. My brothers a actor/singer and he's totally the only one who gets my weirdness. He became famous a few years back when he got a role in some stupid movie which people apparently liked but don't get me wrong he's good at his job. My dad used to be a famous singer and is still famous because apparently he's still 'hot' so now he manages Dex's career.

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