Adventure #6: Part 2: Getting Ready To Go Party

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I'll keep this short and simple.

If you want me to continue posting during the week comment and vote on this part and the part before this one. If they get more votes and comments than usual I'll continue posting during the week since i have the next part written and done already.


Kay. Enjoy!


Part 2: Getting Ready To Go Party

"We are here today to-"

"I need to pee!" Bobby interrupted but closed his mouth when I glared at him.

"Like I was saying before Mr. I-Need-To-Pee interrupted, very rudely may I add. We are here today for-"

"I think Snowflake just farted." Dillon said and then paled. "Okay he did fart."

We all ran away from the farting dog.

"Okay now that's we're safe let me continue." I said. "We are here today for-"


"It's my mum and dad again." Emilie said as she took her cell phone out of her pocket and clicked ignore. "Sorry."

I took a deep breathe. "We are here today for-"

"Are we having a wedding?" Dexter ran out of the back door excitedly.

I let out a huff of annoyance. "I give up!" I yelled. "I'm done! I can't even finish the first sentence without someone interrupting! You know what? Forget it!"

Everyone looked at me like I'd lost my marbles. I was close to it.

You may be wondering what exactly were we doing. Well after Emilie, Bobby, and I talked we realized Charlie was never officially allowed into our gang. We phoned Xander and asked him if Charlie was worthy of being in our amazing group and he said he was, so I was currently doing the honors of officially accepting him. Xander was even here, through a computer screen. We were also letting Dillon into our group because he was cool and likes cherry lollipops over grape ones. We because close friend after I asked him that a few days ago. Charlie just rolled his eyes.

"Does anyone else smell that?" Dexter asked.

We all turned to looked at Snowflake who was walking towards us.

"Run!" Bobby yelled and Em picked up the laptop and we all ran into the house.

"What did up feed your dog Dillon?" I asked as Snowflake farted all over the backyard. I think I saw some plants actually turn grey and die. Snowflake looked happy and didn't even care we were all running away from him. He continued farting all over the backyard like it was the best thing he's ever done.

"I forgot my special mystery soup made him gassy." Dillon said defensively.

"I'm glad I'm not actually there." Xander said. "So is the ceremony cancelled?"

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Charlie. "Here dee! Here dee! I, Lolly Rainbow Harris, accept thy, Charlie whatever the heck your middle name is Hailwood, into the group. Same goes for Dillon who by the way is more awesome because he likes cherry lollipops over grape ones." I said and handed them a ring each and a necklace.

"Are you proposing?" Dillon asked me with a smirk.

"Everyone in the group has a ring with our name engraved on it as well as a special necklace. You'll get your thingy to put in you necklace whenever we decided what symbol represents you." Emilie explained.

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