Sir Handel and the Old Station

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(New theme song for my series only!) 

They're 2, they're 4, they're 6, they're 8, they're 10! 
Shunting trucks with Duck, Rosie, Bill and Ben! 
All the colours of the rainbow, 
Thomas and his friends all say hello! 
All with different roles to play, 
Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away! 
Down hills, round bends, on their ventures, 
Thomas & Friends: Big World, Big Adventures! 

(Now for Episode 1!) 

It was a happy summer's day on the Island of Sodor. Visitors were coming from far and wide to come and visit the newest and yet very old attraction on the Island: the Mid-Sodor Railway! The Thin Controller and Mr Quinn, the railway's new manager, had reopened the line and engines from the Thin Controller's Railway as well as the famous engines of the Talyllyn Railway would bring tourists to visit. 

The engines had work to do now, as one engine a day would be working on the tours. To make it fair and fun for all of his engines, Mr Percival made it so that every engine would have the job one day each in a routine. 

One day, Sir Handel was at Crovan's Gate, telling Edward about the day the engines had seen the grand opening of the Mid-Sodor Railway. 

(Thomas can be seen passing Edward with Annie and Clarabel, and Freddie can be seen passing Sir Handel. Passengers on the platform include Bridget Hatt and one of her friends.) 

"It was a dream come true to see the Old Station again! I'd love to go back there and run the line! I haven't had my turn yet!" 

"All good things come to those who wait, Sir Handel," said Edward pleasantly, "it'll be your go in no time!" 

Edward puffed away just as Peter Sam came into the station with his now empty coaches. 

"It was wonderful!" 

"You've had your turn on the Mid-Sodor Railway route then, Peter Sam?" 

"Yes, and it was such a nostalgic experience!" 


"It means when you see something that brings back good memories," explained Peter Sam. 

"I certainly had more nostalgia than either of you scallywags," chortled Duke. 

"Cos you're older?" chuckled Sir Handel. 

"Impertinent scallywags!" huffed Duke. "Anyway, the Thin Controller has asked me to tell you, Sir Handel, that tomorrow is your turn on the new line!" 

"Hooray!" cheered Sir Handel. 

Edward was right. Good things were coming to him, and he had waited long enough. 

The following day, Sir Handel collected his coaches. He was very excited and so were they. 

"Oh, a trip to the Mid-Sodor Railway!" 

"I can't wait!" 

"And there will be so many people!" 

Sir Handel chuckled. 

"And I will get to go home!" 

Sir Handel collected passengers from the stations on the Thin Controller's Railway. 

(These include the Grumpy Passenger.) 

The Refreshment Lady was there too, holding a camera. She was very excited too. 

"I'm looking forward to this journey," she said. 

"So am I!" whistled Sir Handel. 

Soon, they were travelling up the line that led them up the mountains and up to the Old Station. Sir Handel felt the anticipation immensely and couldn't stop talking or thinking about it. 

"The Mountain Road is up there too, and the old mines! I was a natural on the Mountain Road, you know!" he boasted. 

"Well, Duke told us that he once had to rescue you on your first trip up there," teased a coach. 

"Ah, what did that fusspot know?" huffed Sir Handel. 

Finally, Sir Handel pulled into the Old Station platform. The passengers got out to have a look around. Duke's old shed was newly founded and refurbished and was now the shed that housed Smudger. 

Smudger was working on the line too. He was taking the passengers up into the Mountain Road. 

"Mastered the Mountain Road yet, Smudger?" asked Sir Handel. 

"Know me way about that area like the back of my buffers, Falcon!" replied Smudger confidently. 

(Talyllyn can be seen leaving the station after dropping off more passengers for Smudger's tour train.) 

"What do I do now?" asked Sir Handel, "are we taking trains together up there?" 

"No, no," said a voice. It was the manager, Mr Quinn. "You, Sir Handel need to go back down the line to collect more passengers, then you will come back here and take any passengers already here back down again." 

Sir Handel felt disappointed. He thought that he was going to see more of his old railway. He didn't realize he would only be going so far as the Old Station with the view of his old yard. 

"What's wrong, Falcy?" asked Smudger. 

"I was hoping to get more out of this trip," said Sir Handel sadly. 

"But you can by just standing here," said Smudger, "take a good look around and think of the days of you, Stuart and Granpuff, or Dukey as I call him." 

Sir Handel did so. He saw all the trees that surrounded the railway and the yard. It made him think of the Mountains he and Peter Sam used to explore in their younger days. 

Then he saw the shed that he, Peter Sam and Duke used to share. Duke normally only ever rested in that shed instead of his own when he wanted to tell them stories about how he was named after His Grace. 

He chuckled a little at those memories. 

Then he saw the station platform itself and thought of memories of the manager that used to run the railway. He in his grey suit and hat, thick brown beard...and all the passengers that used to visit before the railway had to close. 

Sir Handel had tears in his eyes at these nostalgic memories so dear to him, many of which had been long forgotten, and now back in his funnel upon the return to the Old Station. 

"There, now," said Smudger, "feeling happier now, Falcon?" 

"Yes, Smudger, I am!" 

Sir Handel was indeed much happier. And although, he was not able to explore more of his old railway, he found a lot of contentment on the route he was given and considered himself very lucky that he was able to see his old home again after so long. Peter Sam was right; it was wonderful! 

(THE END! New Roll Call!) 

They're 2, they're 4, they're 6, they're 8, they're 10!
Shunting trucks with Duck, Rosie, Bill and Ben!
All the colours of the rainbow,
Thomas and his friends all say hello!
All with different roles to play,
Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away!
Down hills, round bends, on their ventures,
Thomas & Friends: Big World, Big Adventures!

Thomas, he's the cheeky one, 
Rebecca, she's new and lots of fun, 
Percy, pulls the mail on time, 
Gordon, thunders down the line, 
Emily, really knows her stuff, 
James, is always showing off, 
Henry, takes the heavy trains, 
Edward, on Sodor he remains, 
Nia, wants to help and share, 
Toby, well, let's say, he's square!

They're 2, they're 4, they're 6, they're 8, they're 10!
Shunting trucks with Duck, Rosie, Bill and Ben!
All the colours of the rainbow,
Thomas and his friends all say hello!
All with different roles to play,
Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away!
Down hills, round bends, on their ventures,
Thomas & Friends: Big World, Big Adventures!

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 6Where stories live. Discover now