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"Eat up (Y/N/N)," Lauren told the little as she placed the veggies and chicken in front of the (Y/H/C).

(Y/N) looked at the broccoli and beans in disgust, pushing them away as she ate her sweet potato and chicken as Lauren took the spot across from her as she burred her head in her hands.

How could she have been so stupid as to slip and not even realize it until it was too late.

What if something had happened to the both of them, or what if someone recorded them at the zoo.

She had fucked up royally and now she had to deal with the wrath of Karla Camila, who would be home in approximately three hours and forty two minutes.

She wished she had never slipped, though she wouldn't tell (Y/N) that because she knew the younger girl had enjoyed her company and being able to relate with someone in the same mind set as herself.

But it couldn't happen again.

She pinned it down to stress, it was the first time she had been left with the little for so long without Camila to help, the Cuban being her anchor.

When she looked up again, (Y/N) was pulling apart and eating her steamed potato, her beans and broccoli still untouched.

"Baby, please eat your greens..." Lauren pleaded, earning a whine from the fussy baby. But (Y/N) knew they were in trouble and mami was sad, so in hopes of making her a little bit happier, (Y/N) reluctantly began to eat the yucky green stuff mami and Aunties had cooked for her.

"Thank you, baby." Lauren said, standing up once she had finished eating everything but a few beans.

Walking around to the other side of the table, Lauren kisses her littles head before picking up her plate and taking it to the kitchen.

There, Lauren slowly stacked the dishwasher as she got caught in her thoughts, Dinah sitting at the bench on her laptop. What would happen when Camila got home? There was no point in denying it, she was better off to be straight forward and accept her punishment.

"Mami!" (Y/N) called from the dinning room, bring Laurenback to the present as she quickly wiped her hands on a tea towel before walking into the dinning room.

"Up please, mami..." (Y/N) asked her as she help her arms up.

Lauren quickly obeyed her request and walked towards her, picking her up and placing her on her hip.

(Y/N) wrapped her arms around her neck and her legs around the Cubans waist tightly as she buried her face into Laurens hair.

"What's wrong, baby?" Lauren asked concerned.

"I got you in trouble, mami. 'M sorry." The young girl whimpered into her caregivers neck. "Please don't leave me, I promise I won't do it 'gain..." She added as she started to cry, the tears hitting the care givers exposed shoulder.

"Never, baby. Mama and I told you that you only go when you want to go. We will keep you forever if we can... And you didn't get me in trouble, I got us in trouble. I should be the one apologizing, not you my little sweet potato." Lauren told the young one, soothing her fears and she nuzzles the littles cheek with her nose.

Pulling back slowly, (Y/N) looked at Lauren with her tear stained cheeks.

She really looked at her.

Lauren knew this was big (Y/N) as she reached up and wiped some of the tears away, gently placing the younger girl onto her feet. "You go, when you want to go. We will never, send you away." She reassured, staring into the girls (Y/C/E)s as she brought a hand up to cup her cheek.

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