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Lauren woke up startled from her dream. She couldn't quite remember what happened. She remembers (Y/N) crying and Camila screaming at her to do something. Other than that she remembers nothing.

Lauren sat up trying to catch her breath as she ran her hand through her hair.

"What's wrong?" Camila askedtiredy before yawning, sitting up as she rubbing Lauren's back. She could still here her uneven breathing.

"Bad dream..." Lauren mumbled, still trying to remember the details as she frowned in thought,

"Come back to sleep." Camila said, pulling her back slightly to lie down with her.

"Just a sec, baby. I'm going to grab a drink first." Lauren said, pulling the covers off her body before swinging her legs over the side of the bed. 

"Hurry back." Camila mumbled, her face already buried back into her pillow as her eyes closed.

"I will my love." Lauren said, giving Camila a kiss which she lazily reciprocated before Lauren stood up and grabbed her phone off the night stand as she made her way out of the room.

Pressing the power button on her phone, Lauren discovered it was four thirty-eight in the morning and that she had at least three and an half hours till (Y/N) would wake up. Her babies loved sleep and Lauren was grateful for that fact.

Downstairs, Lauren tiredly pulled at her newly baby proofed cupboard trying to get to the glasses.

Lauren groaned at her failed attempts, too tired to turn on a proper light and figure it out this early. 

Lauren abandoned the cupboard and pulled out a sippy cup filled with water that Camila had left in the fridge overnight.

Drinking from the sippy cup, Lauren made her back back upstairs and into the nursery to quickly check on her baby.

Opening the door Lauren used her phones flashlight to see around the room. She smiled as she walked over to the crib, her baby peacefully sleeping on her stomach with strawberry tucked under her arm.

Walking the last couple of steps to the crib, Lauren stepped on (Y/N) toy TV remote causing it to go off. "Fiv- Seven!" It said as Lauren cringed, her baby turning in her crib as she let out a whine.

Lauren silently cursed herself and stepped over it on her way to the crib this time. 

Turning over again, (Y/N) whined and rubbed her face with her pink bunny as Lauren gazed down at her sympathetically. "Sorry baby. Mami didn't mean to wake you up." Lauren whispered, one hand holding the railing and the sippy cup while the other rubber her little girls cheek.

Slowly opening and closing her eyes, (Y/N) stared up at the older woman, one of the bunnies ears absentmindedly making its way into her mouth as the other lazily reached up for her mami.

Lauren held her hand gently, rubbing her thumb over the back of it. "Close those pretty eyes for mami, baby." Lauren cooed. (Y/N) just tiredly stared up at the green eyed woman. 

Lauren knew her baby was littlest when she'd just woken up or just before bed, so it didn't surprise her when the young girl didn't reply.

Blinking a little more, (Y/N)s eyes finally focused on the sippy in Laurens hand, making her whine and reach in its direction instead. 

Lauren chuckled at her baby, handing her the half fully sippy of water. She watched the tired girl drink her water as she snuggled with her bunny, struggling between breathing and drinking.

Lauren watched admiringly as she gently rubbed her babies thin stomach, slightly frowning at the reminder of the girls bad eating habits.

Once (Y/N) had finished her water, (Y/N) let out a big breath as she closed her eyes, reaching for her mami again.

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