Chapter 40

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It was already late night when the deputy Chief of KIA entered the dimly lighted office room of his house with his drunken steps. He was drowning in the sense of guilt, not being able to erase the face of the girl whom he had shot the day before.

The memory of holding her little hands and bringing her to the training center of KIA from the orphanage at the tender age of eleven was haunting his soul down. Out of all the crimes he had done, he was sure this would be the one he would never forgive himself for.

He had always seen her as someone who would eventually be his daughter-in-law. Maybe that's why he couldn't bring himself to shoot her at her vital organs and somewhere he hoped she would survive the impossible.

"I should have let her be caught by Bangtan" he began to think all the other way he could have spared her life but then if she would have reached out KIA or Baekhyun, the lie he had carefully webbed would tear apart and his only son would be arrested by KIA.

"Shit" He banged his legs in a book rack and cursed himself for drinking so much.

"Does it hurt dad?" Baekhyun's voice made him lift his head and stare at the figure of his son who was resting on his chair behind his work desk.

"It does right, even a small hit like that hurts so bad" Before the Chief could answer, Baekhyun spoke on his behalf.

"Now imagine the pain she might have felt when you shot her mercilessly. Think how much it must have hurt me when I found out that my own father killed the girl I have been in love with for eight years" Baekhyun stood up pointing his gun at his fathers.

His eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, and hard like a knife to his father's guts. The amount of hatred that reflected in them made the Chief feel deserted knowing that he had lost his son's respect for him.

"Baekhyun what are you doing put your gun down" The Chief lifted both of his hands up trying to knock some sense on his son's head.

How did he even know about this? He thought when the face of his right-hand man struck his mind.

Of course, it was Xiumen after all, those boys were close like brothers.

"Why Dad? WHY?" Baekhyun shouted as his body began to tremble.

The void that Baekhyun was feeling due to W's death had now filled with emotions like raw anger and resentment towards his father.

"She had escaped, My princess had escaped and we could have finally been together but you shot her to death! You fucking shot her to death!"

"No son, I had no choice, KIA had found out and..."

"Fuck KIA, Fuck everyone, I had planned it all. I had already managed fake passports. We would have flown to Russia beyond KIA's reach" He screamed interrupting his father still aiming his loaded gun at him.

"There is no way, one can run from KIA, I did it to save you" the chief tried explaining his reasons but Baekhyun was too stubborn to hear him out.

"You saved me dad congratulation but then you killed me again. You shot me dead along with her" there was no stopping of tears that were falling down Baekhyun's eyes.

"And now it's my turn to return the favor" Suddenly his expression twisted into a sinister one as a malicious simper crept on his lips while he composed his shooting stance.

"You will kill your own father!" The Chief yelled in disbelief. He couldn't recognize his son anymore. Baekhyun looked like some lunatic thirsty for his blood.

"I killed the person that came between us, What makes you think I will spare someone who actually took her away from me" The madness that shone in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by the Chief even in the lack of proper light. A final glance at his diabolic eyes confirmed Chief about the possible outcome. His son was going to kill him.

That was when Chief realized he shouldn't have covered every single crime his son did. He should have corrected his son or even send him to rehabilitation when he had dirtied his hands for the first time with their neighbor's dog. He should have never forgiven his son when he had confessed he had killed V on the mission out of jealousy.

It was he himself who was responsible for turning his son into a monster and now there was no turning back.

"Goodbye dad, If you meet V in the hell tell him that he can fuck himself" Baekhyun fired his gun smiling like a maniac as his father plummeted into the ground after his brain splattered all over the wall behind him.

Baekhyun slowly put his hands down staring at the lifeless body of his father then release a whiff of air. Ambling towards the book rack he began to throw things around to make it look like, his father put out a fight before dying.

He then strode straight to his living room which only had the crackling flame in the fireplace as the source of its light and started to mess everything as well.

When he was done, he loaded his gun and fired all over the place and then took another gun from his back pocket and did the same to make it look like there was a crossfire.

Taking a deep breath he shot himself on his leg and tumbled down onto the ground groaning in pain. Leaning himself against his fireplace, he fished his phone out of his pocket and called the headquarters of the KIA.

"Send some backup, we have been under attack by Bangtan," He exclaimed in a fake panicked voice and ended the call abruptly without listening to the responder.

The pain in his face was immediately replaced with an unbothered expression as he took off the gloves he had been wearing all along and threw them into the fireplace together with the gun.

No one would know a thing as he had carried out everything smoothing with the help of his men.

All the CCTV cameras around the house were also disabled and he had already taken care of the security guard as well.

There was No witness, No evidence.

It was just like the day he had killed V.


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