Chapter 11

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Jimin bowed 90-degree greeting the guests who had come to attend his wedding. The wedding was rather a simple one for the heir of the park family slash future mafia boss with only a few of his trusted men, friends, and some of his close business associates invited, However, it was exactly how Enuya wanted.

"Even though it's not in one of the most expensive halls like we expected, the venue is really beautiful," an elderly man standing with the support of a golden cane told Jimin roaming his eyes around.

The wedding was being held in a beautiful outdoor venue and was covered with beautiful lightings, purple and white-themed flowers, and spherical golden lights hanging from the top.

The wedding was being held in a beautiful outdoor venue and was covered with beautiful lightings, purple and white-themed flowers, and spherical golden lights hanging from the top

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"Everything is according to her preference" With a wide grin on his face, Jimin informed his grandfather's old friend.

"Seems like only the girl is of your preference" he teased the boy who nodded his head-scratching his ears with a shy smile.

"Well, your grandmother wouldn't be pleased if she was alive but trust me your grandfather would be. He was a hopeless romantic like you as well. Loved only one woman all his life. He always used to say was his biggest regret was not fighting for his love. So seeing you fight for yours, he would be definitely pleased. Life is not life without love. He always used to say after getting drunk." Reminiscing his old friend, he laughed patting the shoulder of the young man.

"What about you? Did you find your love?" In curiosity, Jimin questioned the elder to which he gave out a bleak chuckle shaking his head.

"Unfortunately not, we loved the same woman, Your grandfather and I. After your grandfather left her, she was chased out of the country by our family and we never saw her again. I could only hope she survived and could have a full life" hearing his story, Jimin felt an eerie feeling erupt in the pits of his stomach. He understood the moral of the story and mentally promised never to give up on his relationship with Enuya. 

"Honestly, you are lucky that you have people to support you therefore never take this love for granted" the man advised and Jimin nodded his head confirming he will always cherish what he has with his fiance.

They stood talking more about the wedding and Enuya when Hoseok came running with distress coated all over his face. As he reached Jimin he placed his hand on his shoulder and bent down trying to catch his breath.

"Hyung is everything fine" Jimin knitted his eyebrows together sensing something had gone wrong.

Hoseok straightened himself up but the anxiousness painted on his face remained the same. Yoongi who was welcoming the guests immediately rushed beside Jimin and Hoseok suspecting something was off.

"Is everything fine?" The old man beside Jimin inquired as well.

"Jimin" Hoseok paused not understanding how to break the news to him.

Hoseok grabbed both of his shoulders and pursed his lips together as tears welled up in his orbs. He could feel his throat going dry not being able to bring himself to utter any sound. He knew Jimin would completely break down after hearing what he was about to say and his heart was not ready to see his brother crumbling down.

"You need to make your heart strong before you hear what I'm about to say" Jimin gulped realizing he was about to hear something that would turn his life upside down. He could feel his legs shivering even at that point.

After the news fell off Hoseok's mouth, Jimin dropped down into his knees not caring about the grit that dug into his knees as the grief streamed down from his eyes like a waterfall.


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