Chapter 12

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The roaring sound of the bike boomed gaining the attention of people waiting in line hoping to enter the luxurious bar and with a screeching sound against the pavement, the bike halted. A person wearing tight black pants and a black leather jacket climbed down from it, unhooked the helmet, and took it off before walking into the bar.

With their mouth wide, the crowd gushed at the breathtaking visual the person possessed. The face that exhibits perfect symmetry had full lips and an oval face with large deep brown pupils.

The person settled into the high-class section of the bar and ordered the strongest shot of liquid in the house. After the drink arrived, she watched the content of the liquid swirling around in a circular motion exactly as the movement of her hands.

"Congratulation for successfully completing your mission agent W"


The door slowly opened as a silhouette of a man with a gun in his hand slipped into the room as quietly as possible.

"That was quick" Enuya turned around and the gleam on her face quickly dropped when her eyes locked with her colleague.

"Finally," she spoke with a disinterested face.

"Now will you hurry up, It was hard enough to slip into the venue without getting unnoticed" Kai passed her the gun which she caught with little than no effort. He then locked the room to make sure no one can enter.

"Status," She asked in monotone as she stripped out of the wedding gown,

"All are in the position, In about five minutes they will bust into the annual meeting while we proceed to their mansion and collect evidence..." the words got stuck in his throat as he gawked the alluring girl just in her undergarments.

"Stop staring or I will punch a hole into that face" She hissed making him divert his face to the window pretending to watch something with huge interest.

"Done" when he shifted his attention back to her, she was dressed in a black outfit wearing a matching mask and a cap.

"what's that," He noticed something was sticking out from the cupboard that she opened to throw her wedding dress inside.

"Someone who was sent to get rid of me by Mr.Park" she kicked the leg inside and closed the door slam shut. Kai's mouthed 'Oh' and then bobbed his head in acknowledgment.

"Ready!" Kai opened the window for them to escape.

"Always" her face morphed into a smirk and she skillfully climbed down the window and escaped from her staged wedding.

(flashback ends)

"Congratulation for successfully completing your mission agent W"

The familiar voice sounded from behind but she didn't even bother to turn around or acknowledge his existence.

"Our team successfully busted the annual meeting and took every one of them into custody and all this would be impossible without you" he further added.

"What about Park Jimin?" she asked.

"Hmm I have no news about him maybe he went to hiding but the higher-ups were questioning why he and the heir of Min clan were not there in the meeting," he informed her then paused for while to see her reaction but as always he got none, she was listening to him with a straight face.

"What you did was really a risky move W? thankfully Kai and I covered it up. If the KIA will find out you planned a wedding to stop him from attending the meeting you could get killed" She finally turned her head to face him.

With bright eyes and gentle facial features, he could easily pass off as a model rather than an agent. He had a smile as vibrate as the spring itself and her gaze softened because he looked so similar to the person she had loved and lost.

"He had nothing to do with it" W reminded then turned away.

"And after the head has been chopped off what can a body possibly do, right now he is just a lost puppy with no power " she sneered gulping the liquor in one shot, and stood up about to leave when the guy stopped her by holding her hand.

"I have prepared everything for you to go underground since it will be dangerous for you. We still need to hunt the remaining of their men and with the heir of Min family on loose, it won't be safe for you to be around" He let go of her wrist and took out an envelope from his pocket that contained a fake id and money and handed it to her.

"Higher up thinks its best for you to stay low for some time" he then beamed showing her his adorable smile. However, his smile was ripped off from his face because of the cold glare being thrown upon him by the lady before him.

"Don't ever smile at me Byun Baekhyun, I hate your smile" she spat before stomping off the bar.

She exited the bar and lifted her face up to gaze at the sky that was now hidden behind the grey clouds. As foreseen, the first drop of rain finally reached the ground followed by the rumbling thunders.

It doesn't take long before the rain drenched her completely but she didn't care. At least nobody would be able to see the tears following down her face.

"Tsk" she hissed.

She should be feeling happy for finally fulfilling her revenge but the hole inside of her heart didn't seem to get any smaller rather it was growing bigger swallowing her as a whole.

She closed her eyes feeling the wet droplet touching her face sending chills through her spines.

With the rain, she washed away his touch, his memories, and everything related to Park Jimin then climbed on her bike to hit the road to an unknown destination.


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