Chapter 17

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Jungkook entered the cafe which was within walking distance from his office and settled down on his favorite spot near the window. The cafe served delicious waffles and banana milkshakes due to which it had become his preferred place to visit whenever he craved something sweet.

He was going through his tab when a soft voice caressed his hearing senses. The voice felt like a soulful melody to his ears and his head immediately darted up to the owner of the voice.

"You!" he exclaimed as his eyes met her deep brown ones but she gave him a confused look clearly oblivious about him.

"What would you like to have sir?" she politely asked with a pleasant smile contouring her delicate features snapping him back to reality.

"Uh- One chocolate waffle with vanilla ice cream topping and umm-banana milkshake" He spoke trying to play it cool but internally his ego was crashing down seeing the girl who had occupied his mind for the entire week failing to recognize him.

"I will bring them right away," She jotted down his order in a small note and walked away.

Jungkook checked her out from behind. She had a black short skirt and white shirt on with a cream-colored apron securely wrapped around her tiny waist and all of her hair was tightened up into a ponytail exposing her delicious-looking neck. There was no doubt that she was alluring but the thing that made her more appealing was the fact she didn't even have to put any effort to look flawless. 

He keenly watched her every move when he noticed a bunch of boys ogling her a few tables away from him. They were signaling towards her with their eyes, nudging each other and moving their hand around their chest most probably talking about her breast.

Their action directly struck at Jungkook's nerve but he decided to shrug it off. He turned his head away repeatedly drumming his finger in the table anxiously waiting for the girl to come with his order.

In about five minutes, she came with a tray of food he had ordered and he couldn't help but wonder which of them would taste more delicious ' her or the food'.

"Here you go, sir, one chocolate waffle with vanilla ice cream topping and banana milkshake" she placed the tray on the table, and with a slight bow, she returned back to her work.

Sipping his milkshake he continued watching the mysterious girl working with a polite smile on her face. He could see those boys trying something fishy on her and she was professionally avoiding them but soon things turned ugly and one of the boys groped her butt.

Jungkook slammed the glass down and was about to stand up, however, what happened after that left him frozen in his spot with wide eyes.

The girl grabbed the boy's collar jerking him up from his seat, kneed him in his crotch then dumped the food that was on the table all over his head.

Jungkook burst into laughter, clapping his hands. Of course, what less could he expect from the girl who tried to fight a man of the triple of her size.

The manager of the cafe quickly rushed to the table and bowed down apologizing to those boys then glared at the girl smiling victoriously at her actions. The manager then harshly dragged her away from the scene and threw her out of the cafe. He then went back and brought her belongings and threw them as well, shouting at her.

"I don't need this shitty job tooo!" She yelled back unwrapped the apron from her waist and tossed it to the ground.

"Fuck you" In a second she turned into a wildcat from a kempt-looking girl.

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