"Okay, I love you I'll call you when I land."

"I love you too."He said before getting back in the car.

dragging my Suitcase inside of the airport I made my way inside for check in.


I was finally boarding the plane, and honestly I was scared. This was my first time on a plane ,and I was by myself,I wasn't scared of shit else but heights.

I handed the person at the desk in front of the boarding area my ticket before walking in. Saying a silent prayer in my head,I searched for my row and put my suitcase in the top cubby that was on top of my seat.

Great,I got the window seat.

I sat down and made myself comfortable , getting ready for this three hour ride. I was nervous as hell,I couldn't stop fiddling with my fingers.

"Nervous?" I heard a males voice speak causing me to glance up.

"Yea, just a little bit." I said in between chuckles, before glancing out the window.

Chuckling the guy took his seat next to me.

I hope he didn't annoy me.

"Just do what I do,put some Headphones in and close yo' eyes." By the way he talked,I knew he wasn't from
New York,His southern accent was thick as fuck.

"Yea ,thanks for the advice." I dry responded before turning my attention back outside the window.

"No problem Baybeh."

I tried holding in my laugh, why he said baby like that?

"Why you laughing?" He smirked.

"Nun just—"

"You laughing at my accent huh?" He chuckled.

"I just—I ain't eva' heard that accent before."

Laughing,he pulled his headphones out his little back pack that sat between his legs. "I'm from n'awlins'"

Nodding slowly I now realized why he spoke like that. "Oh no wonder."

"Yup." He said,before getting comfortable in his seat. "and it ain't no doubt you ain't from hea'."

"Yup,born and raised."

My phone vibrated as I saw Meecho's name pop up on my screen.

My💙: You on the plane?"

"Yea,preparing for takeoff now."

My💙:aight,have a safe flight mamas,I love you.

"I love you too baby."

Putting my phone on airplane mode,I listened as the stewardess made an announce about the safety and the seatbelts and other shit that I wasn't really paying attention to.

"First time flyin'?" The guy asked.

Nodding my head I sighed, "yea."

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